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When is a library not a library? When it’s online, apparently.
When is a library not a library? When it’s online, apparently.
pIn March 2020, the Internet Archive, a nonprofit created by the entrepreneur Brewster Kahle, launched a new feature called the National Emergency Library. Restrictions linked to the spread of COVID-19 had made it difficult or impossible for people to buy books or visit libraries in person, and so the Archive removed limits on the digital […]/p
When is a library not a library? When it’s online, apparently.
Law Library Launches Books-to-Prison Project
Law Library Launches Books-to-Prison Project
The Lillian Goldman Law Library has launched a books-to-prison initiative to establish libraries in jails and prisons across Connecticut.
Law Library Launches Books-to-Prison Project
To Avoid DEI Backlash, Focus on Changing Systems — Not People
To Avoid DEI Backlash, Focus on Changing Systems — Not People
The enemy of well-intentioned DEI initiatives is backlash — and not just from people from privileged groups. Backlash from all directions is often due to DEI initiatives being framed as solutions to individual problems to be fixed rather than to correct for systemic issues at play in an organization. To reframe the conversation the author recommends five steps to implement in your DEI strategy: 1) Collect data to diagnose specific inequities in your organization, 2) communicate about initiatives using a systems-focused framing, 3) as change-making efforts begin, appeal to “fairness,” 4) clearly lay out expectations for change alongside resources and support, 5) sustain momentum by affirming effort and celebrating wins.
To Avoid DEI Backlash, Focus on Changing Systems — Not People
It’s Time to Repeal the ABA’s Law School Testing Mandate
It’s Time to Repeal the ABA’s Law School Testing Mandate
Law schools should be free to individualize admission criteria, argue two law school deans, a chancellor, and a law professor. They call on the ABA to repeal the requirement that applicants for J.D. programs submit standardized test scores for admission.
It’s Time to Repeal the ABA’s Law School Testing Mandate
Diversity increases with law school deans, according to new AALS study
Diversity increases with law school deans, according to new AALS study
The ABA Journal is read by half of the nation's 1 million lawyers every month. It covers the trends, people and finances of the legal profession from Wall Street to Main Street to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Diversity increases with law school deans, according to new AALS study
Companies Are Failing Trans Employees
Companies Are Failing Trans Employees
BCG recently surveyed 2,230 transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) employees in eight countries and conducted 34 interviews with TGNC employees. They found that TGNC employees want respect in the workplace, which is both reasonable and achievable for organizations committed to DEI. While everyone is responsible for creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive workplace, CEOs, HR departments, and managers stand out in their ability to make a difference. The authors unpack the data and present several strategies for creating inclusive cultures for TGNC employees.
Companies Are Failing Trans Employees
The “Angry Black Woman” Stereotype at Work
The “Angry Black Woman” Stereotype at Work
The angry Black woman stereotype exists in many parts of American culture — including the workplace. Studies show people in organizations believe Black women are more likely to have belligerent, contentious, and angry personalities, an assumption not as readily assigned to other men and women. Recent studies suggest this negative perception is a unique phenomenon for Black women, and the researchers suggest that when Black women outwardly express anger at work, her leadership and potential are called into question.
The “Angry Black Woman” Stereotype at Work
Is Your Company Inclusive of Neurodivergent Employees?
Is Your Company Inclusive of Neurodivergent Employees?
The number of people with autism entering the workforce in the next 10 years and beyond is on the rise, with the growth cutting across racial, ethnic, and geographic lines. Currently, the unemployment rate among people with autism remains high, with some estimates coming in at over 80%. The heightened profile of disability, equity, and inclusion functions in major employers is already leading companies to think about forms of diversity beyond race and gender. Since the early 2010s, a network of major employers has developed targeted employment initiatives and protocols to better integrate this workforce into their companies. But the number of companies involved in neurodiversity hiring initiatives is modest today, as is the number of participating workers. What can we learn from the companies that have integrated these programs successfully, and how can companies without the resources for dedicated programs make real progress in bringing neurodivergent employees into their organizations?
Is Your Company Inclusive of Neurodivergent Employees?