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ALA and Knology explore disability and accessibility in “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report”
ALA and Knology explore disability and accessibility in “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report”
CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA), in collaboration with the non-profit research organization Knology, has published a review of the literature and best practices around libraries and accessibility. The free report, “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report,” is created as part of ALA’s longtime Libraries Transforming Communities initiative. In its 31 pages, the report explores: the different ways disability has been understood and defined over time (the “medical model” vs. the “social model”) the history of accessibility in U.S.
ALA and Knology explore disability and accessibility in “Accessibility in Libraries: A Landscape Report”
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Disability News: World Coverage of Stories and Events
Coverage, breaking stories, and regularly updated current disability news summaries with a prime focus on essential world issues concerning disabilities and those with disability.
Disability News: World Coverage of Stories and Events
Uber Sued By United States Over Alleged Disability Discrimination
Uber Sued By United States Over Alleged Disability Discrimination
The lawsuit by the Justice Department takes aim against an April 2016 policy by the transport service of charging passengers “wait time” fees. This is a practice that started in several cities and eventually spread nationwide. The lawsuit claims that
Uber Sued By United States Over Alleged Disability Discrimination
There Is No Justice That Neglects Disability (SSIR)
There Is No Justice That Neglects Disability (SSIR)
Achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion means putting disability justice in every policy discussion and making it part of the continuing struggle for civil rights.
There Is No Justice That Neglects Disability (SSIR)
High court urged to keep allowing disability bias cases against public programs
High court urged to keep allowing disability bias cases against public programs
Eighteen attorneys general did not take sides in a case brought by HIV-positive individuals against CVS, but rather asked the Supreme Court to uphold a legal standard that allows for claims of unintentional disability discrimination against federally funded programs.
High court urged to keep allowing disability bias cases against public programs
ABA issues guidance for lawyers with clients who have communication differences
ABA issues guidance for lawyers with clients who have communication differences
CHICAGO, Oct. 6, 2021 — The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility released today a formal opinion to guide lawyers in situations when they and their clients do not share a common language, or the client
ABA issues guidance for lawyers with clients who have communication differences