New York doctor indicted in Louisiana for prescribing abortion pill taken by teen
A New York doctor was indicted by a grand jury in West Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Friday for prescribing an abortion pill that was taken by a teenager there.
Biden says Equal Rights Amendment is ratified, kicking off expected legal battle as he pushes through final executive actions | CNN Politics
President Joe Biden announced a major opinion Friday that the Equal Rights Amendment is ratified, enshrining its protections into the Constitution, a last-minute move that some believe could pave the way to bolstering reproductive rights.
Women-led news outlet breaks the mold of local journalism
At the Women’s Plaza of Honor of the U of A, 10 women are standing together for the first official photo of their media outlet team. They gathered around its two founders. Caitlin Schmidt and Susan Barnett are seasoned journalists who saw an opportunity to build something new after their own disillusionment with the declining...
Arizona’s 15-week abortion ban is expected to fall once the new constitutional amendment goes into effect. But there are dozens of other laws on the books regulating abortion.
‘I’m not afraid. Let’s do it’: the Arizona abortion clinic testing the limits of the state’s ban
The owner of the Camelback Family Planning is willing to take risks for patients that other doctors won’t, while staying within the bounds of the state’s abortion ban
2024 won’t be the first time Arizona votes on abortion. In 1992, it ended in a landslide
In 1992, voters in what was then a much more deeply red state delivered a resounding defeat to a measure that would have banned most abortions in Arizona.
Backers of Arizona Abortion Rights Amendment Sue Over Language in Voter Pamphlet
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Supreme Court says emergency abortions can be performed in Idaho
The dispute pitted Idaho's near-total abortion ban against a federal law that requires Medicare-funded hospitals to offer abortions when needed to stabilize a patient's emergency medical condition.
Supreme Court divided over federal-state conflict on emergency abortion ban
The Supreme Court on Wednesday was divided over whether a federal law requiring hospitals that participate in Medicare to provide “necessary stabilizing treatment” in an emergency overrides an Ida
Ariz. Abortion Ban Ruling Reanimates 'Zombie' Law Debate - Law360 Healthcare Authority
The living dead lurk in law books. So-called "zombie" statutes remain in legal codes around the country — archaic and unenforceable, but not quite deceased either. Given the right conditions, even long-dormant statutes can stir to life and wreak havoc, a fact made clear by the reanimation of Arizona's 1860s criminal abortion law.
The Arizona Supreme Court's resuscitation of a near-complete abortion ban penned decades before women had the right to vote kicked open the door to another legal anachronism: a Vietnam War-era constitutional challenge that may yet have some life in it.
Former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey says the abortion ruling from justices he chose goes too far
A ban on nearly all abortions in Arizona doesn’t sit well with Republican former Gov. Doug Ducey. Yet he was the one who appointed the four conservative justices whose ruling cleared the way for it.