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Research: How Bias Against Women Persists in Female-Dominated Workplaces
Research: How Bias Against Women Persists in Female-Dominated Workplaces
New research examines gender bias within four industries with more female than male workers — law, higher education, faith-based nonprofits, and health care. Having balanced or even greater numbers of women in an organization is not, by itself, changing women’s experiences of bias. Bias is built into the system and continues to operate even when more women than men are present. Leaders can use these findings to create gender-equitable practices and environments which reduce bias. First, replace competition with cooperation. Second, measure success by goals, not by time spent in the office or online. Third, implement equitable reward structures, and provide remote and flexible work with autonomy. Finally, increase transparency in decision making.
Research: How Bias Against Women Persists in Female-Dominated Workplaces
Women in the Workplace 2022
Women in the Workplace 2022
Corporate America is at a crossroads. The choices companies make today will impact women in the workplace for decades to come.
Women in the Workplace 2022
New 'most-cited' legal scholars list includes big names, few women
New 'most-cited' legal scholars list includes big names, few women
Retired federal appellate judge and law professor Richard Posner is the most cited U.S. legal scholar on record, followed by Harvard University law professor Cass Sunstein, and the late New York University law professor Ronald Dworkin.
New 'most-cited' legal scholars list includes big names, few women
Athletes Win Historic Title IX Settlement with Clemson University
Athletes Win Historic Title IX Settlement with Clemson University
Clemson University settled a historic Title IX case, promising to ensure equality between men and women's athletic teams. 'Both the men and women sued on different Title IX grounds—and they
Athletes Win Historic Title IX Settlement with Clemson University
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers
"The trope of the strong Black woman is not only false it's dangerous. Black women more than anyone need to practice self-care."
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers