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Supreme Court says emergency abortions can be performed in Idaho
Supreme Court says emergency abortions can be performed in Idaho
The dispute pitted Idaho's near-total abortion ban against a federal law that requires Medicare-funded hospitals to offer abortions when needed to stabilize a patient's emergency medical condition.
Supreme Court says emergency abortions can be performed in Idaho
Backers of Arizona Abortion Rights Amendment Sue Over Language in Voter Pamphlet
Backers of Arizona Abortion Rights Amendment Sue Over Language in Voter Pamphlet
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Backers of Arizona Abortion Rights Amendment Sue Over Language in Voter Pamphlet
Ariz. Abortion Ban Ruling Reanimates 'Zombie' Law Debate - Law360 Healthcare Authority
Ariz. Abortion Ban Ruling Reanimates 'Zombie' Law Debate - Law360 Healthcare Authority
The living dead lurk in law books. So-called "zombie" statutes remain in legal codes around the country — archaic and unenforceable, but not quite deceased either. Given the right conditions, even long-dormant statutes can stir to life and wreak havoc, a fact made clear by the reanimation of Arizona's 1860s criminal abortion law.
Ariz. Abortion Ban Ruling Reanimates 'Zombie' Law Debate - Law360 Healthcare Authority
Arizona Abortion Ruling May Awaken Dormant '70s Litigation - Law360 Healthcare Authority
Arizona Abortion Ruling May Awaken Dormant '70s Litigation - Law360 Healthcare Authority
The Arizona Supreme Court's resuscitation of a near-complete abortion ban penned decades before women had the right to vote kicked open the door to another legal anachronism: a Vietnam War-era constitutional challenge that may yet have some life in it.
Arizona Abortion Ruling May Awaken Dormant '70s Litigation - Law360 Healthcare Authority
Planned Parenthood asks court to reconsider South Carolinas heartbeat abortion ban
Planned Parenthood asks court to reconsider South Carolinas heartbeat abortion ban
Planned Parenthood asks court to reconsider South Carolina's 'heartbeat' abortion ban Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers on Thursday asked South Carolina's top court to reconsider its Wednesday ruling upholding the state's recent ban on abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected.In its petition, Planned Parenthood said that the South Carolina Supreme Court had left undecided whether fetal cardiac activity refers to the first regu…
Planned Parenthood asks court to reconsider South Carolinas heartbeat abortion ban
Arizona Health Services: most pregnancy-related deaths preventable | Arizona Capitol Times
Arizona Health Services: most pregnancy-related deaths preventable | Arizona Capitol Times
Nearly half of Arizona’s pregnancy related deaths in 2022 were tied to mental health or substance use disorders, with 98% deemed preventable, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services. And communities of color and rural communities see disparate effects and a lack of perinatal care.
Arizona Health Services: most pregnancy-related deaths preventable | Arizona Capitol Times