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Ariz. Abortion Ban Ruling Reanimates 'Zombie' Law Debate - Law360 Healthcare Authority
Ariz. Abortion Ban Ruling Reanimates 'Zombie' Law Debate - Law360 Healthcare Authority
The living dead lurk in law books. So-called "zombie" statutes remain in legal codes around the country — archaic and unenforceable, but not quite deceased either. Given the right conditions, even long-dormant statutes can stir to life and wreak havoc, a fact made clear by the reanimation of Arizona's 1860s criminal abortion law.
Ariz. Abortion Ban Ruling Reanimates 'Zombie' Law Debate - Law360 Healthcare Authority
Arizona Abortion Ruling May Awaken Dormant '70s Litigation - Law360 Healthcare Authority
Arizona Abortion Ruling May Awaken Dormant '70s Litigation - Law360 Healthcare Authority
The Arizona Supreme Court's resuscitation of a near-complete abortion ban penned decades before women had the right to vote kicked open the door to another legal anachronism: a Vietnam War-era constitutional challenge that may yet have some life in it.
Arizona Abortion Ruling May Awaken Dormant '70s Litigation - Law360 Healthcare Authority