Civil Rights Movements & the Law

"#police brutality" #racism
“Horrendous”: Black Men Tortured by White Mississippi Police “Goon Squad” React to Guilty Pleas
“Horrendous”: Black Men Tortured by White Mississippi Police “Goon Squad” React to Guilty Pleas
Six white former police officers in Mississippi who called themselves the “Goon Squad” have pleaded guilty to raiding a home on false drug charges and torturing two Black men while yelling racist slurs at them, and then trying to cover it up. We speak with Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker about how, on January 24, six deputies in Braxton, Mississippi, raided the home they were staying in and attacked them, and how they are speaking out to demand justice. Meanwhile, the deputies have been linked to at least four violent attacks on Black men since 2019, in which two of the men died. We also speak with civil rights attorney Malik Shabazz, who is representing Jenkins and Parker in a federal lawsuit against the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department. Shabazz asserts that the majority-white Rankin County, which is 20 miles away from majority-Black Jackson, Mississippi, is “infested with white supremacists” who “have decided 'Rankin County is for whites'” and seek to enforce it through state-sanctioned violence and torture, overseen and covered up by Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey. “We demand that Bryan Bailey step down,” says Shabazz. Parker adds, “We want justice for everyone that has gone through this with Rankin County.”
“Horrendous”: Black Men Tortured by White Mississippi Police “Goon Squad” React to Guilty Pleas
So you want to talk about race - Ijeoma Oluo
So you want to talk about race - Ijeoma Oluo
"An actionable exploration of today's racial landscape, offering straightforward clarity that readers of all races need to contribute to the dismantling of the racial divide. Police brutality trials, white supremacist rallies, Black Lives Matter protests. Race is the story behind many of the issues that make headlines every day. But to talk about race itself--to examine the way it shapes our society, visibly and invisibly--can feel frightening and overwhelming, and even dangerous. In [this book], Ijeoma Oluo offers a clarifying discussion of the racial landscape in America, addressing head-on the issues that divide us. Positioned to bridge the gap between people of color and white Americans struggling with race complexities, Oluo explains the concepts that continue to elude everyday Americans, and answers the questions readers don't dare ask, like 'What is cultural appropriation?' 'Why do I keep being told to check my privilege?' and 'If I don't support affirmative action, does that make me racist?' With language that's bold, prescient, funny, and finely tuned, Oluo offers hope for a better way by showing what's possible when connections are made across the divide."
So you want to talk about race - Ijeoma Oluo
Implicit racial bias across the law - 0ustin D. Levinson (Editor); Robert J. Smith (Editor)
Implicit racial bias across the law - 0ustin D. Levinson (Editor); Robert J. Smith (Editor)
"This book explores how scientific evidence on the human mind might help to explain why racial equality is so elusive"--;"Implicit Racial Bias: A Social Science Overview Justin D. Levinson, Danielle M. Young & Laurie A. Rudman A little after 2 a.m. on the first day of 2009, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit ("BART") Officer Johannes Mehserle arrived at the Fruitvale BART station after receiving reports of a fight on a train. Upon arrival at the station, he was directed by another officer to arrest Oscar Grant, who, along with other fight suspects, was sitting by the wall of the station. As Mehserle, who was joined by other officers, prepared to arrest Grant, Grant began to stand up, and Mehserle forced him to the ground face first. Another officer stood over Grant and uttered, "Bitch-ass n-." As Mehserle prepared to handcuff Grant, some eyewitnesses testified that Grant resisted by keeping his hands under his torso. Although Grant was laying face down and was physically restrained by another police officer at the time of his alleged resistance, Mehserle removed his department issued handgun from its holster and shot Grant in the back from point blank range. Grant died later that morning"--
Implicit racial bias across the law - 0ustin D. Levinson (Editor); Robert J. Smith (Editor)
Seeing White
Seeing White
Just what is going on with white people? Police shootings of unarmed African Americans. Acts of domestic terrorism by white supremacists. The renewed embrace of raw, undisguised white-identity politics. Unending racial inequity in schools, housing, criminal justice, and hiring. Some of this feels new, but in truth it’s an old story. Why? Where did the notion of “whiteness” come from? What does it mean? What is whiteness for? Scene on Radio host and producer John Biewen took a deep dive into these questions, along with an array of leading scholars and regular guest Dr. Chenjerai Kumanyika, in this fourteen-part documentary series, released between February and August 2017. The series editor is Loretta Williams.
Seeing White
So you want to talk about race - Ijeoma Oluo
So you want to talk about race - Ijeoma Oluo
In this New York Times bestseller, Ijeoma Oluo offers a hard-hitting but user-friendly examination of race in America. Widespread reporting on aspects of white supremacy--from police brutality to the mass incarceration of Black Americans--has put a media spotlight on racism in our society. Still, it is a difficult subject to talk about. How do you tell your roommate her jokes are racist? Why did your sister-in-law take umbrage when you asked to touch her hair--and how do you make it right? How do you explain white privilege to your white, privileged friend? In So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo guides readers of all races through subjects ranging from intersectionality and affirmative action to "model minorities" in an attempt to make the seemingly impossible possible: honest conversations about race and racism, and how they infect almost every aspect of American life.
So you want to talk about race - Ijeoma Oluo
Congress and Police Reform: Current Law and Recent Proposals - Congressional Research Service
Congress and Police Reform: Current Law and Recent Proposals - Congressional Research Service
"In May and June 2020 protests erupted nationwide after the publication of video footage of a Minneapolis police officer pressing his knee into the neck of George Floyd leading to his death. That incident and its aftermath have sparked heightened interest in Congress' ability to implement reforms of state and local law enforcement."
Congress and Police Reform: Current Law and Recent Proposals - Congressional Research Service
Congress and Law Enforcement Reform: Constitutional Authority - Congressional Research Service
Congress and Law Enforcement Reform: Constitutional Authority - Congressional Research Service
"Nationwide protests in response to the publication of video footage of a Minneapolis police officer pressing his knee into the neck of George Floyd leading to his death have generated renewed interest in the issue of reforming the policing practices of state and local officials. As discussed in more detail in this companion sidebar several existing federal laws seek to prevent and redress constitutional violations by state and local law enforcement officials. However because the Constitution generally grants states the authority to regulate issues of local concern—which includes policing and criminal law—Congress is limited in its ability to legislate on matters related to state and local law enforcement—limits that may inform any new laws Congress seeks to enact on this evolving issue. This Sidebar begins with an overview of Congress’s authority to enact legislation and the limits on those powers. It then discusses in more detail two of the enumerated powers—congressional powers that are found within the Constitution—that may be most relevant when Congress legislates on matters relating to state and local law enforcement."
Congress and Law Enforcement Reform: Constitutional Authority - Congressional Research Service
Breathe Act - Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives
Breathe Act - Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives
"We are rising up against all the ways that the criminal-legal system has harmed and failed to protect Black communities. The current moment requires a solution that fundamentally shifts how we envision community-care and invest in our society. History is clear that we cannot achieve genuine safety and liberation until we abandon police prisons and all punishment paradigms."
Breathe Act - Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives
Second Prosecutor Resigns from Trump's Police Commission - Sarah N. Lynch
Second Prosecutor Resigns from Trump's Police Commission - Sarah N. Lynch
"A second local prosecutor on Thursday asked the U.S. Justice Department to have his name removed from a controversial report on policing reforms saying he feared it would fail to address systemic racism in the criminal justice system."
Second Prosecutor Resigns from Trump's Police Commission - Sarah N. Lynch
Officers And Paramedics Are Charged In Elijah McClain's 2019 Death In Colorado - Associated Press
Officers And Paramedics Are Charged In Elijah McClain's 2019 Death In Colorado - Associated Press
"Colorado's attorney general said Wednesday that a grand jury indicted three officers and two paramedics in the death of Elijah McClain a Black man who was put in a chokehold and injected with a powerful sedative two years ago in suburban Denver."
Officers And Paramedics Are Charged In Elijah McClain's 2019 Death In Colorado - Associated Press
4 Ex-Cops Indicted on US Civil Rights Charges in Floyd Death - Amy Forliti and Michael Balsamo
4 Ex-Cops Indicted on US Civil Rights Charges in Floyd Death - Amy Forliti and Michael Balsamo
"A federal grand jury has indicted the four former Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd's arrest and death accusing them of willfully violating the Black man's constitutional rights as he was restrained face-down on the pavement and gasping for air."
4 Ex-Cops Indicted on US Civil Rights Charges in Floyd Death - Amy Forliti and Michael Balsamo
ABA Joins with Dozens of Law Schools to Address Issues in Police Practices - Patricia Lee Refo
ABA Joins with Dozens of Law Schools to Address Issues in Police Practices - Patricia Lee Refo
"America was founded on the principle that all men are created equal. Throughout our history we have not always lived up to that self-evident truth. This has been especially true in our criminal justice system."
ABA Joins with Dozens of Law Schools to Address Issues in Police Practices - Patricia Lee Refo