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The architecture of desire : how the law shapes interracial intimacy and perpetuates inequality. Solangel Maldonado
The architecture of desire : how the law shapes interracial intimacy and perpetuates inequality. Solangel Maldonado
This book examines how the law influences our most personal and private choices-who we desire and choose as intimate partners-and explores the psychological, economic, and social effects of these choices. It proposes ways to minimize law's influence over who we desire, love, and bring into our families, including changes to dating platforms, as well as housing, education, and transportation policies
The architecture of desire : how the law shapes interracial intimacy and perpetuates inequality. Solangel Maldonado
Fight for Asian American Civil Rights Liberal Protestant Activism, 1900-1950 - Sarah Marie Griffith
Fight for Asian American Civil Rights Liberal Protestant Activism, 1900-1950 - Sarah Marie Griffith
From the early 1900s, liberal Protestants grafted social welfare work onto spiritual concerns on both sides of the Pacific. Their goal: to forge links between whites and Asians that countered anti-Asian discrimination in the United States. Their test: uprooting racial hatreds that, despite their efforts, led to the shameful incarceration of Japanese Americans in World War II. Sarah M. Griffith draws on the experiences of liberal Protestants, and the Young Men's Christian Association in particular, to reveal the intellectual, social, and political forces that powered this movement. Engaging a wealth of unexplored primary and secondary sources, Griffith explores how YMCA leaders and their partners in the academy and distinct Asian American communities labored to mitigate racism.
Fight for Asian American Civil Rights Liberal Protestant Activism, 1900-1950 - Sarah Marie Griffith
Driven out : the forgotten war against Chinese Americans - Jean Pfaelzer
Driven out : the forgotten war against Chinese Americans - Jean Pfaelzer
Driven Out exposes a shocking story of ethnic cleansing in California and the Pacific Northwest when the first Chinese Americans were rounded up and purged from more than three hundred communities by lawless citizens and duplicitous politicians. From 1848 into the twentieth century, Chinatowns burned across the West as Chinese miners and merchants, lumberjacks and fieldworkers, prostitutes and merchants' wives were violently loaded onto railroad cars or steamers, marched out of town, or killed. But the Chinese fought back--with arms, strikes, and lawsuits and by flatly refusing to leave. When red posters appeared on barns and windows across the United States urging the Chinese to refuse to carry photo identity cards, more than one hundred thousand joined the largest mass civil disobedience to date in the United States. The first Chinese Americans were marched out and starved out. But even facing brutal pogroms, they stood up for their civil rights. This is a story that defines us as a nation and marks our humanity.
Driven out : the forgotten war against Chinese Americans - Jean Pfaelzer
Different Shade of Justice Asian American Civil Rights in the South - Stephanie Hinnershitz
Different Shade of Justice Asian American Civil Rights in the South - Stephanie Hinnershitz
In the Jim Crow South, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, and, later, Vietnamese and Indian Americans faced obstacles similar to those experienced by African Americans in their fight for civil and human rights. This work tells the story of their resistance and documents how Asian American political actors and civil rights activists challenged existing definitions of rights and justice in the South.
Different Shade of Justice Asian American Civil Rights in the South - Stephanie Hinnershitz
5 Explosive U.S. Supreme Court Cases That Defined Race in America - Donna Patricia Ward
5 Explosive U.S. Supreme Court Cases That Defined Race in America - Donna Patricia Ward
"Justices of the United States Supreme Court have heard and ruled on many cases that have dealt with race”questions such as who has the right to use the courts where can black and white people live what public schools can a person attend and how can education be equal for everyone? For the courts rulings from earlier cases set a precedent for current and future rulings. Sometimes the Court even states when an earlier Court's ruling was just flat out wrong or misguided. The five cases below were decided by the U.S. Supreme Court and dealt with how the Court interpreted race and who has rights under the law."
5 Explosive U.S. Supreme Court Cases That Defined Race in America - Donna Patricia Ward
The Posthumous Pardon of Homer Plessy - Anna Price
The Posthumous Pardon of Homer Plessy - Anna Price
"On January 5 2022 the governor of Louisiana posthumously pardoned Homer Plessy the defendant in the famous 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson. Plessy is known for affirming the legal theory of 'separate but equal' that was used to justify Jim Crow laws in the 19th and 20th centuries. It was later overturned in part by Brown v. Board of Education."
The Posthumous Pardon of Homer Plessy - Anna Price
Court Cases Involving Racial Issues - University Libraries Seton Hall University
Court Cases Involving Racial Issues - University Libraries Seton Hall University
"This page outlines various key court cases that deal with racial issues from a legal standpoint. These sites offer an introduction and information about historic precedents and other data that also impact on viewpoints found in relation to decisions made within wider society."
Court Cases Involving Racial Issues - University Libraries Seton Hall University