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Social Justice as Topic and Tool: An Attempt to Transform an LIS Curriculum and Culture | The Library Quarterly: Vol 86, No 1
Social Justice as Topic and Tool: An Attempt to Transform an LIS Curriculum and Culture | The Library Quarterly: Vol 86, No 1
Abstract Training culturally competent and socially responsible library and information science (LIS) professionals requires a blended approach that extends across curricula, professional practice, and research. Social justice can support these goals by serving as a topic of inquiry in LIS curricula as well as by providing a scholarly framework for understanding how power and privilege shape LIS institutions and professional practice. This article applies social justice as a topic and tool for transforming LIS curricula and culture by exploring the implementation of social justice–themed courses and an extracurricular reading group in one LIS department. Exploring curricular and extracurricular cases in a shared institutional setting contextualizes key challenges and conversations that can inform similar initiatives in other institutions. Transforming LIS culture to prioritize social justice values, epistemologies, and frameworks requires multivalent strategies, community buy-in, and shared responsibility in terms of the labor of leading and sustaining engagement with social justice.
Social Justice as Topic and Tool: An Attempt to Transform an LIS Curriculum and Culture | The Library Quarterly: Vol 86, No 1
Using People Analytics to Build an Equitable Workplace
Using People Analytics to Build an Equitable Workplace
Automation is coming to HR. By automating the collection and analysis of large datasets, AI and other analytics tools offer the promise of improving every phase of the HR pipeline, from recruitment and compensation to promotion, training, and evaluation. These systems, however, can reflect historical biases and discriminate on the basis of race, gender, and class. Managers should consider that 1) models are likely to perform best with regard to individuals in majority demographic groups but worse with less well represented groups; 2) there is no such thing as a truly “race-blind” or “gender-blind” model, and omitting race or gender explicitly from a model can even make things worse; and 3) if demographic categories aren’t evenly distributed in your organization (and in most they aren’t), even carefully built models will not lead to equal outcomes across groups.
Using People Analytics to Build an Equitable Workplace
Accountability as a Debiasing Strategy: Testing the Effect of Racial Diversity in Employment Committees | Iowa Law Review - The University of Iowa
Accountability as a Debiasing Strategy: Testing the Effect of Racial Diversity in Employment Committees | Iowa Law Review - The University of Iowa
Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the primary goal of integrating the workforce and eliminating arbitrary bias against minorities and other groups who had been historically excluded. Yet substantial research reveals that racial bias persists and continues to limit opportunities and outcomes for racial minorities in the workplace. Because these denials of opportunity result from myriad individual hiring and promotion decisions made by vast numbers of managers, finding effective strategies to reduce the impact of bias has proven challenging. Some have proposed that a sense of accountability, or “the implicit or explicit expectation that one may be called on to justify one’s beliefs, feelings, and actions to others,” can decrease bias. This Article examines the conditions under which accountability to a committee of peers reduces racial bias and discrimination. More specifically, this Article provides the first empirical test of whether an employment committee’s racial composition influences the decision-making process. My experimental results reveal that race does in fact matter. Accountability to a racially diverse committee leads to more hiring and promotion of underrepresented minorities than does accountability to a homogeneous committee. Members of diverse committees were more likely to value diversity, acknowledge structural discrimination, and favor inclusive promotion decisions. This suggests that accountability as a debiasing strategy is more nuanced than previously theorized. If simply changing the racial composition of a committee can indeed nudge less discriminatory behavior, we can encourage these changes through voluntary organizational policies like having an NFL “Rooney Rule” for hiring committees. In addition, Title VII can be interpreted to hold employers liable under a negligence theory to encourage the types of changes that yield inclusive hires and promotions.
Accountability as a Debiasing Strategy: Testing the Effect of Racial Diversity in Employment Committees | Iowa Law Review - The University of Iowa
Addressing the “Emerging Majority”: Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Law Librarianship in the Twenty-First Century* - Alyssa Thurston
Addressing the “Emerging Majority”: Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Law Librarianship in the Twenty-First Century* - Alyssa Thurston
The United States has been steadily growing more racially and ethnically diverse, especially over the past several decades. Yet, as a profession, law librarianship has been slow to reflect the country’s increased diversity. Taking the most recent U.S. Census statistics into account, this article evaluates the implications that a progressively diverse population poses for law librarianship. Reasons for low levels of diversity among law librarians, as well as past and suggested efforts within the profession to further increase diversity, are discussed.
Addressing the “Emerging Majority”: Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Law Librarianship in the Twenty-First Century* - Alyssa Thurston
Analysis of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives in library and information science literature | Emerald Insight
Analysis of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives in library and information science literature | Emerald Insight
Analysis of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives in library and information science literature - Author: Emily P. Jones, Nandita S. Mani, Rebecca B. Carlson, Carolyn G. Welker, Michelle Cawley, Fei Yu
Analysis of anti-racism, equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives in library and information science literature | Emerald Insight
The Election of Donald Trump to the Presidency and the Crisis of Liberalism in Librarianship: The Need to Reconsider the Social Function of the Library and its Role in Critical Information Literacy and Political Education in Response to the Rise of Alt-right Fascism in the United States | Journal of Radical Librarianship
The Election of Donald Trump to the Presidency and the Crisis of Liberalism in Librarianship: The Need to Reconsider the Social Function of the Library and its Role in Critical Information Literacy and Political Education in Response to the Rise of Alt-right Fascism in the United States | Journal of Radical Librarianship
The advances of extreme right-wing political forces in the United States, exemplified most recently by the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, highlight the importance of initiating a critical and thorough examination of the function and effectiveness of institutions long believed to serve as fundamental pillars for public education and the advancement of democratic ideals, including libraries. Despite a carefully managed and revered public image as nearly-sacred spaces for freedom in intellectual development and unobstructed democratic participation and engagement, libraries have long maintained a posture of obedience and unquestioning subordination to the needs of elite social power structures, including those historically defined by racial supremacy and oppression. Under the present conditions, and despite public proclamations about libraries being on the “frontlines” of the liberal anti-Trump “resistance”, as witnessed during 2017 American Library Association annual professional conference in Chicago, it is highly unlikely that mainstream libraries will be able or willing to spring into action and play an effective, credible role against the alarming rise of alt-right violence and proto-fascism in the United States. Such a role would have to be grounded in a progressive, alternative model for culturo-informational leadership and critical information and political literacy education in the United States. Developing this alternative in the short- to medium-term may prove a near impossibility as it would require radical changes in the way mainstream libraries are conceptualized, as well as in the ideological structure and delivery of library and information science education programs.
The Election of Donald Trump to the Presidency and the Crisis of Liberalism in Librarianship: The Need to Reconsider the Social Function of the Library and its Role in Critical Information Literacy and Political Education in Response to the Rise of Alt-right Fascism in the United States | Journal of Radical Librarianship
AALL Spectrum
AALL Spectrum
AALL Spectrum - AALL Spectrum / July/August 2022 / Volume 26, Number 6
AALL Spectrum
Diversity Census and Inclusion Survey Insights Report - Prepared for the Canadian Association of Research Libraries May 2022
Diversity Census and Inclusion Survey Insights Report - Prepared for the Canadian Association of Research Libraries May 2022
The intent of this report is to provide meaningful data and analysis to the Canadian Association of Research Libraries for the purposes of informing future decisions on issues of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in the workplace. The data we provide and the insights we derive from the data are based on proven statistical methods to determine significant associations between certain identities and workplace opportunities, in terms of hiring and advancement and other talent management processes. Unfortunately, the data does not tell us why a particular trend is happening or not happening. We can only use our experience and expertise combined with relevant research to provide insights, to the best of our ability, on what the potential reasons might be for one trend or another. Based on these potentialities, we also provide recommendations for next steps to address the key findings presented by the data.
Diversity Census and Inclusion Survey Insights Report - Prepared for the Canadian Association of Research Libraries May 2022
Primer: Issues of Racial Justice and Inclusion - Movement Advancement Project
Primer: Issues of Racial Justice and Inclusion - Movement Advancement Project
"By 2050, more than half of Americans will be people of color – and today, nearly every indicator of well-being shows disturbing disparities according to race. Yet the LGBT movement’s lack of substantive work on issues most relevant to people of color leaves the movement vulnerable to irrelevance and division—and leaves fully one-third of the members of the LGBT community underserved. This primer aims to inform and motivate LGBT-movement funders to work explicitly on issues of racial justice and inclusion. The primer illuminates general issues of race and ethnicity in American society, discusses why funders aiming for LGBT equality should work explicitly on matters of race, offers recommended philanthropic approaches to racial justice and inclusion (including language recommendations from the Aspen Institute and a model organizational self-assessment from the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Race Matters Toolkit), and provides recommendations specific to LGBT movement work on racial equity and inclusion. Also included in the primer’s appendix is information on nearly 50 nonprofit and philanthropic organizations working on race, which can serve as a starting point for learning more about existing resources related to this work. Note that this report does not reflect original research into LGBT-specific racial matters. Sources were limited to secondary research and a small number of interviews."
Primer: Issues of Racial Justice and Inclusion - Movement Advancement Project
Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap - Building Movement
Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap - Building Movement
This report builds on data from Building Movement Project’s Race to Lead survey, conducted with more than 4,000 respondents across the nonprofit sector. This report, the second in the Race to Lead series, analyzes experiences of respondents who identified as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer (LGBTQ).
Working at the Intersections: LGBTQ Nonprofit Staff and the Racial Leadership Gap - Building Movement
Indigenizing archives
Indigenizing archives
By: Lourdes Pereira
Indigenizing archives
Gender Transition and Transgender Inclusion in the Museum Workplace: A Toolkit for Trans Individuals, Institutions, and Coworkers - Task Force for Transgender Inclusion
Gender Transition and Transgender Inclusion in the Museum Workplace: A Toolkit for Trans Individuals, Institutions, and Coworkers - Task Force for Transgender Inclusion
Gender Transition and Transgender Inclusion in the Museum Workplace: A Toolkit for Trans Individuals, Institutions, and Coworkers is the result of three teams of trans and allied museum professionals working across the country to create resources that are approachable even to those without any prior knowledge about the trans community. The Toolkit comes at a time when the transgender community is constantly under attack. The education and knowledge it provides can create a path for those interested in becoming allies and can foster a more inclusive atmosphere within the museum field. We hope that the Toolkit will prove useful to those who are transitioning or those who wish to improve the diversity and inclusion policies around them.
Gender Transition and Transgender Inclusion in the Museum Workplace: A Toolkit for Trans Individuals, Institutions, and Coworkers - Task Force for Transgender Inclusion
Transgender Inclusion Institutional Assessment Worksheet
Transgender Inclusion Institutional Assessment Worksheet
Institutional Assessment Worksheet Take a Closer Look: How Inclusive Is Your Library to Transgender and Non Binary Folks? Your Library Challenges for transgender folks Possibilities for change Policies -What do nondiscrimination policies include? -What do harassment and disruptions pol...
Transgender Inclusion Institutional Assessment Worksheet
Gay and Lesbian Librarians and the "Need" for GLBT Library Organizations: Ethical Questions, Professional Challenges, and Personal Dilemmas in and "Out" of the Workplace | Semantic Scholar
Gay and Lesbian Librarians and the "Need" for GLBT Library Organizations: Ethical Questions, Professional Challenges, and Personal Dilemmas in and "Out" of the Workplace | Semantic Scholar
IntroductionThe topic of this paper was literally dropped in my lap-or rather my inbox-in the form of a series of questions from a fellow student in my Information Science Master's program ethics course at the University of Wisconsin. My colleague, hoping in all earnestness to understand why organizations such as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Round Table (GLBTRT) of the American Library Association (ALA)-a group I had mentioned in an earlier class discussion-are "necessary" in the professional world of infor- mation science and librarianship, turned to me for answers. She did this, I was happy to realize, because she recognized my willingness to openly discuss the subject; but perhaps she also turned to me because I was the only self-identified GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender) member of our class of some 30 graduate and undergraduate students. The latter fact, in and of itself, speaks to how far, even in 2004, gays and lesbians have yet to come in our ability to fearlessly proclaim to others our di∂erence! Her questions to me included the following:...MLA [Medical Library Association] has a Gay and Lesbian Caucus and you say ALA has a round table. I have often wondered why. I am at a loss to understand why those kinds of groups are necessary. Do a person's private sexual practices or orientation come up at work? (I never noticed this in any of my jobs-but perhaps I wasn't paying close enough attention.) Are gays and lesbians feeling threatened at work? If so, then the groups would make sense to have. ... I think everyone should be able to have whatever orientation they want and it should not be an issue at work or school or in the community- so I just do not understand this. I hope you help me understand the need for these groups."The exchange that resulted from this honest, if perhaps troublingly naive, query served, in part, to remind me of the many ethical questions, not to mention professional and personal dilemmas, which a∂ect GLBT librarians each and every day as they strive to both live their lives and do their work as fully and as openly as is possible and/or prudent given the particular societal, local, and institutional circumstances in which they find themselves. By examining several of the questions posed to me by my colleague, I will, in this paper, consider some of those ethical issues, professional dilemmas, and attendant impacts as they relate to the following:* Are groups such as GLBTRT necessary?* What purpose(s) do such groups serve?* Is sexual orientation an issue in the library workplace?* Should orientation even be an issue in the workplace?* Are GLBT persons feeling "threatened" at work?* What should libraries do with regard to GLBT employees and issues?The Past Is Prologue?In a September i992 editor's note in American Libraries, then-editor Thomas Gaughan reflected on the backlash of librarian reaction and complaints surrounding publication of a photograph (see p. 45), of the ALA "Gay and Lesbian Task Force" marching in the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade, which appeared on the cover of the July/August issue of American Libraries-an episode in our professional history that I will examine in more detail below. He acknowledged a sadly-learned lesson: that even among allegedly "tolerant" and politically-correct librarians and library supporters, homophobia, the fear and hatred of homosexuals, was alive and vociferously apparent, and that it was, in e∂ect, "the last socially acceptable prejudice" (Gaughan, i992). Unfortunately, more than a decade later, this prejudice remains, to a far too significant extent, socially acceptable to many Americans. One need only recall, for example, the recent rise in anti-gay and homophobic speech surrounding the debate over gay marriage. In 2ist-century America, homophobia continues to survive and to play itself out in our culture and institutions-as it does, every day, in a variety of guises, in many of our i06,000-plus public, academic, and school libraries. …
Gay and Lesbian Librarians and the "Need" for GLBT Library Organizations: Ethical Questions, Professional Challenges, and Personal Dilemmas in and "Out" of the Workplace | Semantic Scholar
First Nations, Metis and Inuit – Indigenous Ontologies (FNMIIO)
First Nations, Metis and Inuit – Indigenous Ontologies (FNMIIO)
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! To mark National Indigenous Peoples Day we are pleased to announce that the CFLA-FCAB’s Indigenous Matters Committee’s – Red Team-Joint Working Group on Classifi…
First Nations, Metis and Inuit – Indigenous Ontologies (FNMIIO)
Responding to Trauma in the Classroom
Responding to Trauma in the Classroom
By Valentina Iturbe-LaGrave, Ph.D., Director for Inclusive Teaching Practices In the last few days, many of us have seen or read about the gruesome and violent videos of young Black men being forcibly restrained, hunted down, and killed in broad daylight and read the stories of a black woman being killed in her own home. Violence against Black and Brown bodies has been a horrific and longstanding trope of the American experience. While it has always impacted us, the recent demonstrations and riots eclipsing COVID19 news and media coverage challenge our courage at a time of immeasurable community and individual trauma. To help you navigate these complex and challenging times, we offer a brief summary of trauma-informed critical pedagogy as a way to consider how trauma may be impacting you and your students. We also invite you to check-in with students, and teach in a way that does not re-traumatize students but instead supports healing the mental and emotional effects of the trauma. Below are some critical trauma-informed pedagogy considerations, suggested readings, and resources to help you on this journey. As always, contact the Director for Inclusive Teaching Practices for one-on-one consultations on Zoom, email, or over the phone.
Responding to Trauma in the Classroom