Reducing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls : Arizona's Statewide Study in Partnership with the HB2570 Legislative Study Committee
Reducing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls : Arizona's Statewide Study in Partnership with the HB2570 Legislative Study Committee-book
HOLOI Ā NALO WĀHINE ‘ŌIWI: Missing and Murdered Native Hawaiian Womenand Girls Task Force Report
This report is in solidarity with and recognition of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit (MMIWG2S) movement that originated in Canada and across Turtle Island. We recognize and honor the Indigenous peoples of Canada and Turtle Island in their struggles and strengths in setting precedence for the voices of native peoples across the Pacific and the world to be heard in ending violence. We mahalo the tribal nations who have created space for Kānaka Maoli to be a part of the MMIWG2S movement.
This note examines the prevalence of sex trafficking of Native women and children, and the correlation those rates have with large extraction projects, such as the Bakken Oil Fields in North Dakota, and the camps (“man camps”) that
employees live in. In order to fully flesh out the phenomenon accurately, this note walks through pertinent history and the Truth of the Native experience of colonization and genocide in the United States. Further, this note also examines
the current laws and policies in the United States that perpetuate and exacerbate the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls phenomenon. Finally, it compares those laws and policies to international human rights standards, speaks to how the United States consistently falls short of international human rights standards, and how the issue can be remedied.
The Disappeared: Indigenous Peoples and the International Crime of Enforced Disappearance - Slaw
Disproportionate violence against Indigenous persons in Canada includes uncounted disappearances of Indigenous children, women, and men. Canada’s decades of failure to prevent and halt disappearances forms part of a long litany of grave international human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples. Continued reports of officially hushed-up violence lead to increasingly clarion allegations of genocide. An unknown […]
Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women – A Digital Exhibition
The MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) movement is an activist effort in response to the pervasive issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women across North America (Turtle Island). This movement brings awareness to an issue which did not previously receive mainstream attention. MMIW activism is made up of art, protest, pushing for legislation, and building accurate databases and stronger communities.
This movement is taking place across Canada, the continental US, and Alaska. In this exhibit we will be primarily focusing on the US.
Violence On The Land, Violence On Our Bodies: Building an Indigenous Response to Environmental Violence - Women’s Earth Alliance and Native Youth Sexual Health Network
For Indigenous communities in North America, the links between land and body create a powerful intersection—one that, when overlooked or discounted, can threaten their very existence. Extractive industries have drilled, mined, and fracked on lands on or near resource-rich Indigenous territories for decades.
Taken the Series - Statistics on missing and murdered Indigenous women
In Canada, Indigenous women have a 12 times greater risk of becoming missing or murdered than any other race. See for yourself: compare the risks of being missing and murdered in Canada by ethnic group and province. #mmiw #mmiwg #takentheseries
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
The National Inquiry’s Final Report reveals that persistent and deliberate human and Indigenous rights violations and abuses are the root cause behind Canada’s staggering rates of violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people. The two volume report calls for transformative legal and social changes to resolve the crisis that has devastated Indigenous communities across the country.
Navajo Women and Abuse: The Context for Their Troubled Relationships - Journal of Family Violence
In this article, on the basis of interviews with seven Navajo women, the author discusses the Navajo woman’s perspective on domestic violence. These discussions reveal several factors that distinguish the Navajo woman’s experience of abuse from that of the Anglo3 woman. These factors are examined in light of historical and contemporary understandings of the Navajo world. Three cultural elements can help us understand the Navajo woman’s experience of abuse: the cultural concept of hózhó, the searing tale (in the Creation Story) of the quarrel between First Man and First Woman, a quarrel that brought great tragedy to the people; and the Kinaáldá, the female puberty rite. It is the author’s argument that these facets of the Navajo culture, in addition to Western explanations for women’s staying with abusive partners, are powerful contributors to the Navajo woman’s understanding of abuse in her life and if we are to develop successful techniques for intervention, we must consider these elements as well as those of the dominant culture.
United States of America: Maze of injustice: The failure to protect indigenous women from violence - Amnesty International
This report focuses on sexual violence against indigenous women in the USA. Governments have a responsibility to ensure that women are able to enjoy their right to freedom from sexual violence. As citizens of particular tribal nations, the welfare and safety of American Indian and Alaska Native women are directly linked to the authority and […]