DETAINED is an ongoing collaboration among former immigrant detainees, the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project (FIRRP), and the University of Arizona (UA) that collects and publicly archives the oral histories of asylum seekers formerly incarcerated by immigration authorities in Arizona. The multilingual, open-access archive, hosted by the UA Libraries, maintains a tangible record that counters the vast emergent landscape of the for-profit immigrant detention industry. This community archive is one of the few forums for former detainees to share their experiences, helping to fundamentally shift the historical narrative of immigration to the United States.
Immigration Preparedness Toolkit | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC
The ILRC’s Immigration Preparedness Toolkit is a resource-packed informational document designed to help immigrants with no legal status or in mixed status families begin to understand the immigration legal landscape and plan for their own journey through an ever-changing, complex system in the United States.
Know Your Rights Community Toolkit - NYC, Long Island, New York State | New York Immigration Coalition - Revision
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS PRINTOUTS In anticipation of the potential for ICE raids in communities around New York State, the NYIC wants to ensure service providers and community members have access to information about their rights when interacting with ICE, and access to service providers. Please see the linked PDF documents in 12 languages that we […]
Know Your Rights Toolkit | Immigrant Legal Resource Center | ILRC
Advocates and community members can work together to fight messages of fear and panic by helping community members learn about their rights and how to protect themselves from ICE. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center has created a variety of materials to educate the community and prepare individuals for possible encounters with immigration authorities. For in depth information on community rights and how to prepare in case of emergencies, visit:
Toolkits | Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)
Advocacy Toolkit: Religious Workers Are Essential This toolkit serves as a resource which will point out current issues, updates, the policy brief and ways you can advocate for foreign-born religious workers, starting today.
LibGuides: Undocumented Students: Resources & Research
This library research guide is for students researching immigration with a focus on undocumented immigrants in the US.
It's also a guide for undocumented students at Skyline College. It includes topics like affording college, the campus Dream Center, student club, actions relating to students' and immigrants' rights, community and empowerment.
Library Guides: SOWK 4118 Historical U.S. Immigration Policy: Home: Historical Overviews and Chronologies
This research guide is designed to help students find books, articles, and primary source material in support of the immigration policy assignment. Please also check the SOWK 4118 History of Social Welfare and Social Work guide for additional sources.
LibGuides: Hot Topics: Immigration: Home
Immigration involves moving to a new country with the intention of settling there permanently after leaving one's country of citizenship. The United States has more immigrants than any other country in the world. Today, more than 40 million people living