
Biden Limits Asylum & Shuts Down Border for Migrants
Biden Limits Asylum & Shuts Down Border for Migrants
President Biden has issued one of the most restrictive immigration policies ever declared under a recent Democratic administration. It will temporarily shut down the U.S.-Mexico border, deny asylum to most migrants who do not cross into the U.S. via ports of entry, and limit total asylum requests at the southern border to no more than 2,500 per day. The ACLU has threatened to sue the Biden administration over what reporter John Washington, who covers immigration in Arizona, calls an “excruciating and likely deadly” decision. “An illegal asylum seeker is a contradiction in terms,” Washington continues. “People have the right, according to U.S. law, to ask for asylum irrespective of how they crossed the border or where they are or what their status is. And this rule really flies in the face of that.”
Biden Limits Asylum & Shuts Down Border for Migrants
The Human Cost of Hardening the US-Mexico Border
The Human Cost of Hardening the US-Mexico Border
Like all borders, the line between Mexico and the US was once virtually open. Then the US embarked on a decades-long, bipartisan, and entirely futile quest t...
The Human Cost of Hardening the US-Mexico Border
Book Talk with Todd Miller (04/05/2022)
Book Talk with Todd Miller (04/05/2022)
The Immigration Law Students Association and the Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library hosted a Book Talk on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 featuring independent journali...
Book Talk with Todd Miller (04/05/2022)
Zip Code, Race, & Class: Understanding The Cycle of Black Poverty
Zip Code, Race, & Class: Understanding The Cycle of Black Poverty
Love the content? When you support for $1/month on, you get longer, in depth videos like these! Sources, essays, exclusive videos, a podcast, reading lists, and much more are available there.
Zip Code, Race, & Class: Understanding The Cycle of Black Poverty
Best of Luck with the Wall
Best of Luck with the Wall
A voyage across the US-Mexico border, stitched together from 200,000 satellite images.
Best of Luck with the Wall
O’odham Land Defenders Lead Indigenous Resistance to Trump’s Border Wall Amid Militarized Crackdown
O’odham Land Defenders Lead Indigenous Resistance to Trump’s Border Wall Amid Militarized Crackdown
As 14 states and more than 130 cities across the U.S. celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day in place of Columbus Day, we go to Arizona, where Indigenous communities are leading resistance against the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall near a sacred spring inside the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. People’s “lives have been so severely impacted by not only this border wall, but the complete militarization of our homelands due to this irrational fear of folks on the other side, which are our relatives,” says Nellie Jo David, an O’odham water and land defender. This campaign of nonviolent protests comes as a federal appeals court issued an order Friday to halt the border wall construction in some areas of Arizona, along with Texas, New Mexico and California.
O’odham Land Defenders Lead Indigenous Resistance to Trump’s Border Wall Amid Militarized Crackdown
Steve Bannon, Former Trump Adviser, Allegedly Stole Funds for Private Border Wall Plagued by Erosion
Steve Bannon, Former Trump Adviser, Allegedly Stole Funds for Private Border Wall Plagued by Erosion
President Trump's former campaign CEO and White House adviser, Steve Bannon, is his sixth close associate to face criminal charges by the Department of Justice. Bannon and three others are accused of defrauding donors to We Build the Wall, a private effort to build a wall along the Mexican border, and redirecting funds to fund their own lavish lifestyles. We follow the money and look at how an investigation last month showed a private wall project the funds were used for is already eroding and could be in danger of falling into the river. We speak with Perla Trevizo and Lexi Churchill, two reporters at the ProPublica-Texas Tribune investigative unit. #DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today: FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: iTunes:!-audio/id73802554 Daily Email Digest:
Steve Bannon, Former Trump Adviser, Allegedly Stole Funds for Private Border Wall Plagued by Erosion
Donald Trump visits US-Mexico border wall in Arizona - and says it keeps out Covid-19
Donald Trump visits US-Mexico border wall in Arizona - and says it keeps out Covid-19
US president Donald Trump has visited the US-Mexico border and credited his new wall with stopping both illegal immigration and the coronavirus. In the blazing summer heat, Mr Trump briefly stopped to inspect a new section of the concrete and rebar structure where the president and other officials took a moment to scrawl their signatures on the wall. "It is the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure anywhere in the world," said Mr Trump during a roundtable at the US Border Patrol Station in Yuma, Arizona. "It's got technology that nobody would even believe. Between sensors and cameras and everything else." For more, head here: Get the latest headlines: and are websites of The Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
Donald Trump visits US-Mexico border wall in Arizona - and says it keeps out Covid-19
Wildlife Disappearing at the Border | National Geographic
Wildlife Disappearing at the Border | National Geographic
The San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge marks the convergence of the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts in a grassland valley at the base of the Peloncillo mountains. The only place in the world where black bears and jaguars cross paths. The wildlife here now faces never-before-seen challenges because of the U.S. border wall. ➡ Subscribe: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Get More National Geographic: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Tenor: Wildlife Disappearing at the Border | National Geographic National Geographic
Wildlife Disappearing at the Border | National Geographic
(10) Facebook
(10) Facebook
People inside ICE detention centers report that conditions are putting them at grave risk for contracting #COVID19. Immigrant rights activist Gabriela Castañeda, whom we follow in our forthcoming film BORDERLAND, says that now, more than ever, is the time to #FreeThemAll to ensure that the basic rights and dignity of all people are respected. ***You can help free people in detention*** 1. Take action with this Detention Watch Network Covid-19 Toolkit: 2. Support local organizations like: Detained Migrant Solidarity Committee and Advocate Visitors With Immigrants in Detention:
(10) Facebook
Julián Castro Slams Trump’s “Deranged” Immigration Policies & Backs Impeachment
Julián Castro Slams Trump’s “Deranged” Immigration Policies & Backs Impeachment
On Monday, 2020 presidential candidate Julián Castro escorted a dozen asylum seekers to the U.S. port of entry at Brownsville, Texas, in a challenge to President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. The group included a disabled Salvadoran woman and her relatives, as well as nine LGBTQ people from Cuba, Guatemala and Honduras. Many of them report they’ve been threatened and assaulted while they’ve been forced to wait in the Mexican border city of Matamoros. The asylum seekers were refused entry into the United States. Castro speaks with us from San Antonio, where he served as mayor from 2009 to 2014. #DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today: FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: iTunes:!-audio/id73802554 Daily Email Digest:
Julián Castro Slams Trump’s “Deranged” Immigration Policies & Backs Impeachment
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Video
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Video
All immigrants, undocumented and documented, in the U.S. have certain rights under the Constitution. Learn about your rights and how your family can best prepare for an encounter with immigration enforcement. Find more resources and Know Your Rights materials on Informed Immigrant: ______________ is a coalition-led aggregated resource hub with information on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), legal service providers, Know Your Rights materials, community organizing toolkits, family preparedness plans, and local organizations in all 50 states. The FAQs are vetted by lawyers and the resources are sourced from leading local and national immigration organizations all in one easy place. The Informed Immigrant umbrella also includes an offline Ambassadors program to bring the Informed Immigrant resources into communities that may lack Internet access or fluency.
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Video
A community leader & mother's fight to remain in the U.S.: Alejandra's story
A community leader & mother's fight to remain in the U.S.: Alejandra's story
Alejandra's family fled persecution in Chile and came to the United States. Alejandra overcame challenges as a young adult and is a leader for many in the addiction recovery community and a mother. She now fights against her deportation with help from the legal team at NIJC because of a decades old mistake. This video premiered at the 2020 Human Rights Awards.
A community leader & mother's fight to remain in the U.S.: Alejandra's story
Paper Children (Niños de papel) | Inside America’s Overwhelmed Asylum System
Paper Children (Niños de papel) | Inside America’s Overwhelmed Asylum System
Love brings a family together. Will a system tear them apart? Una familia unida por amor. ¿Logrará un sistema separarlos? Every year, tens of thousands of unaccompanied children flee violence in Central America to seek asylum in the US. The journey is never easy-- and once they arrive, there are no guarantees that they’ll be able to stay. Paper Children follows one family’s struggle to build a better future in America despite overwhelming circumstances. Cada año, decenas de miles de niños no acompañados huyen de la violencia en Centroamérica en búsqueda de asilo en EEUU. El camino nunca es fácil y una vez que llegan a su destino, no hay ninguna garantía de que podrán permanecer en el país. Niños de Papel documenta la lucha de una familia para construir un mejor futuro en EEUU a pesar de los grandes obstáculos que debe enfrentar. The views and opinions expressed in this documentary are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any YouTube/Google entity. Las opiniones en este documental son de los participantes y no reflejan necesariamente la posición oficial de ninguna entidad de YouTube / Google. 0:00 Catholic Legal Services 3:00 Fernando’s Story 8:43 Living In Hell 13:28 Navigating The System 19:08 Family Life 25:40 Set Backs 30:30 Mad World 40:20 The Struggle Continues 47:13 The Courts 55:10 New Beginnings
Paper Children (Niños de papel) | Inside America’s Overwhelmed Asylum System
DACA recipients 'in shock' over Supreme Court decision | CNN
DACA recipients 'in shock' over Supreme Court decision | CNN
The Supreme Court's decision to block President Trump's attempt to end the DACA program was a win for Dreamers, but many say the country has a long way to go on immigration and racial inequity.
DACA recipients 'in shock' over Supreme Court decision | CNN
Brandon Moran: "Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants"
Brandon Moran: "Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants"
Since "Illegals" and "Aliens" are flooding our country, it is expected that our government will construct a border wall for security. However, these undocumented migrants are joining our economy and schools across the country. Why do we continue to hear about the potential instability and danger in accepting undocumented immigrants into our country? Brandon Moran, a first generation college student at St. Lawrence University, explains the process of dehumanizing undocumented immigrants through analyzing 4 American policies. Brandon Moran is a senior at St. Lawrence University with a Government major, and a Chinese minor. He is a McNair and Presidential Diversity Scholar, and a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor's society. He has studied a semester abroad in Shanghai, China at East China Normal University ('17) and has performed several human rights and social justice poetry recitations. He enjoys running for the Cross Country and Track Teams, playing chess for the Chess Club and writing for the Hill News. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in foreign service. In light of recent immigration developments, he has vocalized the urgency in supporting undocumented immigrants in a variety of platforms. In his talk, Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants, he highlights policies which have perpetuated an anti-immigrant rhetoric from 1986-2010. His goal is to motivate citizens to challenge the current discourse and policies which dehumanize undocumented immigrants.
Brandon Moran: "Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants"
My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy
My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy
Miriam came to the U.S at a very young age and believes that people need to change the way they think about immigrants. Her personal story is moving and inspiring at the same time. Miriam Martinez is a 16-year-old who was born in Mexico. She came to the United States with her family at age six and was raised in Chicago, IL. As years passed, life became more and more complicated for her. She was getting bullied at school for not speaking the same language, for not being born in the United States, and for not being able to go out because she feared she might be deported. This was just the beginning of what she had to go through. By sharing her story, she hopes to convince people that everyone is a human no matter where they come from and that the time for immigration reform is now. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy
Undocumented Americans
Undocumented Americans
What is it like to grow up as an undocumented youth in America? In "Undocumented Americans," three undocumented youth who arrived as young children - Jong-Min, Pedro and Silvia - share their stories of how they are fighting hard to achieve their piece of the American dream. Their experiences are emblematic of the struggles of millions of undocumented children and youth in America who deal daily with isolation from peers, the struggle to pursue an education, fears of detention and deportation and the trauma of separation from family and loved ones. This video calls for valuing the contributions of and caring for all members of our society, even those without documentation. To learn more about this topic, visit
Undocumented Americans
DACA, explained
DACA, explained
Protection from deportation and the chance to work have been life-changing for DACA recipients. Will Trump get rid of it? Subscribe to our channel! The most consequential decision President Donald Trump made on immigration in his first year in office wasn’t about the wall, or who’s going to pay for it, or anything else he talked about incessantly on the campaign trail. It was his decision to announce, on September 5, that his administration would be winding down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — a program he didn’t mention outright, that many people didn’t know about and even fewer understood. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which has protected nearly 800,000 young adult unauthorized immigrants from deportation and allowed them to work legally since 2012. The immigrants protected through DACA grew up in the US; people might not assume they are unauthorized immigrants, and they might not have even known it themselves until they were teenagers. The program was supposed to give them a chance to build a life here. Now, DACA is on the chopping block. Trump, under pressure to make a decision about its future before September 5 (the day a group of Republican state officials were set to sue over its constitutionality), has decided that no one new will be protected under the program — and that those currently covered will start to lose their protection and work permits on March 6, 2018. The prospect of DACA’s demise is throwing the program into sharp relief: calling attention to the “DREAMers” who’ve been able to benefit from it, and the ways in which their lives have been changed over the past five years. is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out Check out our full video catalog: Follow Vox on Twitter: Or on Facebook:
DACA, explained
Supreme Court to tackle Trump's DACA termination
Supreme Court to tackle Trump's DACA termination
The future of young immigrant "Dreamers" will be up to the Supreme Court as it hears arguments over the legality of President Trump's termination of the Obama-era DACA program. CBS News immigration reporter Camilo Montoya-Galvez explains how undocumented immigrants could be affected.
Supreme Court to tackle Trump's DACA termination
Meet the People Protected by DACA | NYT
Meet the People Protected by DACA | NYT
About 800,000 young unauthorized immigrants are protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. We spoke with a few of them in September, when President Trump announced his intention to end the Obama-era program. Read the story here: More from The New York Times Video: Subscribe: Watch all of our videos here: Facebook: Twitter: ---------- Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
Meet the People Protected by DACA | NYT