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Julián Castro Slams Trump’s “Deranged” Immigration Policies & Backs Impeachment
Julián Castro Slams Trump’s “Deranged” Immigration Policies & Backs Impeachment
On Monday, 2020 presidential candidate Julián Castro escorted a dozen asylum seekers to the U.S. port of entry at Brownsville, Texas, in a challenge to President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. The group included a disabled Salvadoran woman and her relatives, as well as nine LGBTQ people from Cuba, Guatemala and Honduras. Many of them report they’ve been threatened and assaulted while they’ve been forced to wait in the Mexican border city of Matamoros. The asylum seekers were refused entry into the United States. Castro speaks with us from San Antonio, where he served as mayor from 2009 to 2014. #DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today: FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: iTunes:!-audio/id73802554 Daily Email Digest:
Julián Castro Slams Trump’s “Deranged” Immigration Policies & Backs Impeachment
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Video
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Video
All immigrants, undocumented and documented, in the U.S. have certain rights under the Constitution. Learn about your rights and how your family can best prepare for an encounter with immigration enforcement. Find more resources and Know Your Rights materials on Informed Immigrant: ______________ is a coalition-led aggregated resource hub with information on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), legal service providers, Know Your Rights materials, community organizing toolkits, family preparedness plans, and local organizations in all 50 states. The FAQs are vetted by lawyers and the resources are sourced from leading local and national immigration organizations all in one easy place. The Informed Immigrant umbrella also includes an offline Ambassadors program to bring the Informed Immigrant resources into communities that may lack Internet access or fluency.
Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Video
A community leader & mother's fight to remain in the U.S.: Alejandra's story
A community leader & mother's fight to remain in the U.S.: Alejandra's story
Alejandra's family fled persecution in Chile and came to the United States. Alejandra overcame challenges as a young adult and is a leader for many in the addiction recovery community and a mother. She now fights against her deportation with help from the legal team at NIJC because of a decades old mistake. This video premiered at the 2020 Human Rights Awards.
A community leader & mother's fight to remain in the U.S.: Alejandra's story
Paper Children (Niños de papel) | Inside America’s Overwhelmed Asylum System
Paper Children (Niños de papel) | Inside America’s Overwhelmed Asylum System
Love brings a family together. Will a system tear them apart? Una familia unida por amor. ¿Logrará un sistema separarlos? Every year, tens of thousands of unaccompanied children flee violence in Central America to seek asylum in the US. The journey is never easy-- and once they arrive, there are no guarantees that they’ll be able to stay. Paper Children follows one family’s struggle to build a better future in America despite overwhelming circumstances. Cada año, decenas de miles de niños no acompañados huyen de la violencia en Centroamérica en búsqueda de asilo en EEUU. El camino nunca es fácil y una vez que llegan a su destino, no hay ninguna garantía de que podrán permanecer en el país. Niños de Papel documenta la lucha de una familia para construir un mejor futuro en EEUU a pesar de los grandes obstáculos que debe enfrentar. The views and opinions expressed in this documentary are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any YouTube/Google entity. Las opiniones en este documental son de los participantes y no reflejan necesariamente la posición oficial de ninguna entidad de YouTube / Google. 0:00 Catholic Legal Services 3:00 Fernando’s Story 8:43 Living In Hell 13:28 Navigating The System 19:08 Family Life 25:40 Set Backs 30:30 Mad World 40:20 The Struggle Continues 47:13 The Courts 55:10 New Beginnings
Paper Children (Niños de papel) | Inside America’s Overwhelmed Asylum System
Brandon Moran: "Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants"
Brandon Moran: "Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants"
Since "Illegals" and "Aliens" are flooding our country, it is expected that our government will construct a border wall for security. However, these undocumented migrants are joining our economy and schools across the country. Why do we continue to hear about the potential instability and danger in accepting undocumented immigrants into our country? Brandon Moran, a first generation college student at St. Lawrence University, explains the process of dehumanizing undocumented immigrants through analyzing 4 American policies. Brandon Moran is a senior at St. Lawrence University with a Government major, and a Chinese minor. He is a McNair and Presidential Diversity Scholar, and a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor's society. He has studied a semester abroad in Shanghai, China at East China Normal University ('17) and has performed several human rights and social justice poetry recitations. He enjoys running for the Cross Country and Track Teams, playing chess for the Chess Club and writing for the Hill News. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in foreign service. In light of recent immigration developments, he has vocalized the urgency in supporting undocumented immigrants in a variety of platforms. In his talk, Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants, he highlights policies which have perpetuated an anti-immigrant rhetoric from 1986-2010. His goal is to motivate citizens to challenge the current discourse and policies which dehumanize undocumented immigrants.
Brandon Moran: "Dehumanization of Undocumented Immigrants"
My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy
My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy
Miriam came to the U.S at a very young age and believes that people need to change the way they think about immigrants. Her personal story is moving and inspiring at the same time. Miriam Martinez is a 16-year-old who was born in Mexico. She came to the United States with her family at age six and was raised in Chicago, IL. As years passed, life became more and more complicated for her. She was getting bullied at school for not speaking the same language, for not being born in the United States, and for not being able to go out because she feared she might be deported. This was just the beginning of what she had to go through. By sharing her story, she hopes to convince people that everyone is a human no matter where they come from and that the time for immigration reform is now. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
My Story of Immigration | Miriam Martinez | TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy
Meet the People Protected by DACA | NYT
Meet the People Protected by DACA | NYT
About 800,000 young unauthorized immigrants are protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. We spoke with a few of them in September, when President Trump announced his intention to end the Obama-era program. Read the story here: More from The New York Times Video: Subscribe: Watch all of our videos here: Facebook: Twitter: ---------- Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
Meet the People Protected by DACA | NYT
7 videos guaranteed to change the way you see refugees - UNHCR Innovation
7 videos guaranteed to change the way you see refugees - UNHCR Innovation
Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard the phrase “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.”  It was one of the most common expressions my parents used when I was growing up as they tried to get me to look at a situation from a different point of view. A lot of people do think if you could just put […]
7 videos guaranteed to change the way you see refugees - UNHCR Innovation
Democracy Now! covers Immigration
Democracy Now! covers Immigration
Democracy Now! stories, posts and pages that relate to Immigration.
Democracy Now! covers Immigration
Exploring the Recent History of U.S. Immigration Backlashes | Full Report | Retro Report on PBS
Exploring the Recent History of U.S. Immigration Backlashes | Full Report | Retro Report on PBS
Stream Full Episodes: | #RetroReportPBS Immigration policy has exposed the sharp divisions of the Trump era more clearly than any other issue. The controversies echo an anti-immigration movement 25 years ago in California. Retro Report makes sense of the present by revealing the past. Join journalists Celeste Headlee and Masud Olufani as they connect the present to the past through four distinct and varied stories, and New Yorker humorist Andy Borowitz adds his signature wit. Full episodes now streaming at ----------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to the PBS channel for more clips: Enjoy full episodes of your favorite PBS shows anytime, anywhere with the free PBS Video App: FOLLOW US: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------- More about the show Retro Report on PBS will explore topics such as: what happened when people witnessed a crime decades ago, and how their reactions predicted the way we react to online violence today; why psychedelic drugs - cousins to LSD, which fell out of favor in the 1960s - are getting another look, this time for the treatment of mental illness; the story of a woman who survived a sexual assault at a Navy convention, and challenged the Pentagon to change the way it treats women; and the strange, wandering voyage of a barge full of unwanted trash that highlighted the need recycle. Stream full episodes now at
Exploring the Recent History of U.S. Immigration Backlashes | Full Report | Retro Report on PBS
America's Biggest Issues: Immigration
America's Biggest Issues: Immigration
Immigration is one of the fundamental building blocks that help make America the unique nation that it is. But the debate over border security and immigration has become toxic because politicians have put politics before principles. And reasonable Americans find themselves trapped between zealots on both sides. So what does a thoughtful agenda for American immigration reform look like? The Heritage Foundation’s Genevieve Wood takes us through four guiding principles to keep us focused on what is best for the welfare of all Americans, both those of today and those of the future. View more: Still haven’t subscribed to The Heritage Foundation on YouTube? Click here ► Follow The Heritage Foundation on Facebook: Follow The Heritage Foundation on Twitter: Follow The Heritage Foundation on Instagram:
America's Biggest Issues: Immigration
100 Years of Immigration to The U.S., 1919 to 2019
100 Years of Immigration to The U.S., 1919 to 2019
Foreign-born population in the United States, 1919-2019 Please Subscribe For More Upcoming Videos: Animated Statistics, Statistics, Stats, Racing Bar Chart, Charts, Rankings Migration Policy Institute Immigrants in America Immigration to the United States Facts on U.S. Immigrants Largest U.S. Immigrant Groups Over Time Immigrant Population Growth in the U.S. Population of Foreign-Born Immigrants in the US Total Population of Immigrants in the United States Top 10 Largest Immigrant Groups in the U.S. Top 20 Largest Immigrant Groups in the U.S. Mexican Immigrants in the United States
100 Years of Immigration to The U.S., 1919 to 2019
Animated Map Shows History Of Immigration To The US
Animated Map Shows History Of Immigration To The US
In 1607, the English established their first permanent settlement in Jamestown, Virginia. Over the coming centuries, millions of people from around the globe were attracted to this New World that came to be the US for a chance at a better life. Today, more than 1 in 8 Americans are immigrants, and almost all are descendants of those born in foreign lands. ------------------------------------------------- Follow BI Video on Twitter: Follow BI on Facebook: Read more: -------------------------------------------------- Business Insider is the fastest growing business news site in the US. Our mission: to tell you all you need to know about the big world around you. The BI Video team focuses on technology, strategy and science with an emphasis on unique storytelling and data that appeals to the next generation of leaders – the digital generation.
Animated Map Shows History Of Immigration To The US
History of Immigration in the US for Dummies
History of Immigration in the US for Dummies
Let HipHughes escort you through a few hundred years of United States immigration, simple, stupid and aimed at the heart of big ideas. Subscribe to my fellow EDU Gurus!! Subscribe to these geniuses! Smarter Every Day Steve Spangler Science: Minute Physics: PBSIdeaChannel: Numberphile: Deep Sky Videos: Veritasium: ViHart: CGP Grey: VSauce: TedEd:
History of Immigration in the US for Dummies
What Options Does the U.S. Have on Immigration? | NYT News
What Options Does the U.S. Have on Immigration? | NYT News
Our White House correspondent Michael D. Shear examines the polarizing political debate over immigration policies in the United States. More from The New York Times Video: Subscribe: Watch all of our videos here: Facebook: Twitter: ---------- Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.
What Options Does the U.S. Have on Immigration? | NYT News
Ellis Island - History of Immigration to the United States | 1890-1920 | Award Winning Documentary
Ellis Island - History of Immigration to the United States | 1890-1920 | Award Winning Documentary
● Please SUPPORT my work on Patreon: ● Visit my 2ND CHANNEL: ►Facebook: ►Twitter: ►Google+: ✚ Watch my "Old America" PLAYLIST: This documentary covers the single largest migration of immigrants to the United States of America through Ellis Island between 1890 and 1920. (Ellis Island, in Upper New York Bay, was the gateway for millions of immigrants as the busiest immigrant inspection station of the United States from 1892 until 1954.) It is the story of Ellis Island and the American immigration experience. The film is a tribute to the 18 million men, women and children who made the long journey from the Old to the New World between 1890 and 1920, in the single largest migration in human history. The film tells the immigrants' stories as they braved the unknown, from the time they left their homelands, their journey across the ocean, to the moment the doors of Ellis Island opened, revealing the great promise of America. About the immigration to the USA until 1930: The history of immigration to the United States is a continuing story of peoples from more populated continents, particularly Europe and also Africa and Asia, crossing oceans to the New World. Historians do not treat the first indigenous settlers as immigrants. Starting around 1600 British and other Europeans settled primarily on the east coast. Later Africans were brought as slaves. During the nation's history, the growing country experienced successive waves of immigration which rose and fell over time, particularly from Europe, with the cost of transoceanic transportation sometimes paid by travelers becoming indentured servants after their arrival in the New World. At other times, immigration rules became more restrictive. American immigration history can be viewed in four epochs: the colonial period, the mid-19th century, the start of the 20th century, and post-1965. Each period brought distinct national groups and ethnicities to the United States. During the 17th century, approximately 175,000 Englishmen migrated to Colonial America. Over half of all European immigrants to Colonial America during the 17th and 18th centuries arrived as indentured servants. The mid-19th century saw mainly an influx from northern Europe; the early 20th-century mainly from Southern and Eastern Europe; post-1965 mostly from Latin America and Asia. Historians estimate that fewer than one million immigrants - perhaps as few as 400,000 - crossed the Atlantic during the 17th and 18th centuries. The 1790 Act limited naturalization to "free European persons"; it was expanded to include Africans in the 1860s and Asians in the 1950s. In the early years of the United States, immigration was fewer than 8,000 people a year. After 1820, immigration gradually increased. From 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United States. The mortality rate on these transatlantic voyages was high, during which one in seven travelers died. In 1875, the nation passed its first immigration law, the Page Act of 1875. The peak year of European immigration was in 1907, when 1,285,349 persons entered the country. By 1910, 13.5 million immigrants were living in the United States. In 1921, the Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924. The 1924 Act was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans, especially Jews, Italians, and Slavs, who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s. About the Americanization in the 1910s and 1920s: Americanization is the process of an immigrant to the United States of America becoming a person who shares American values, beliefs and customs and is assimilated into American society. This process typically involves learning English and adjusting to American culture, and customs, while keeping the old foods and religion. The Americanization movement was a nationwide organized effort in the 1910s to bring millions of recent immigrants into the American cultural system. More than 30 states passed laws requiring Americanization programs. The movement climaxed during World War I, as eligible young immigrant men were drafted into the Army, and the nation made every effort to integrate the European ethnic groups into the national identity. Ellis Island - History of Immigration to the United States | 1890-1920 | Award Winning Documentary
Ellis Island - History of Immigration to the United States | 1890-1920 | Award Winning Documentary
How Immigrants Shape(d) the United States | Nalini Krishnankutty | TEDxPSU
How Immigrants Shape(d) the United States | Nalini Krishnankutty | TEDxPSU
Do immigrants need the United States, or does the United States need its immigrants? Writer, researcher, and first-generation immigrant American Nalini Krishnankutty showcases many surprising examples of traditions, businesses and ideas that are considered All-American today, but which owe their origins to first-generation immigrants. She examines whether Americans ever truly welcomed immigrants, and provides parallels between current anti-immigrant sentiments and similar feelings during other periods in US history. This talk uses immigrant history and contributions to start a dialogue, and shape attitudes towards immigrants that are in line with both the values and the interests of the United States. Dr. Nalini Krishnankutty is a first-generation immigrant American who moved from India to the U.S. to attend graduate school. A chemical engineer turned writer, researcher, and speaker, she believes in the power of migration to open minds and create new possibilities for both immigrants and their new homeland. Nalini is actively countering rising anti-immigrant sentiments through her workshops on immigrant history and contributions. She is currently developing new community platforms and writing children’s books to make immigrants visible and bring them from the boundary of the circle to the center. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
How Immigrants Shape(d) the United States | Nalini Krishnankutty | TEDxPSU
America's Sources of Immigration (1850-Today)
America's Sources of Immigration (1850-Today)
A state-by-state look at the history of U.S. immigration, showing the leading country of origin for newcomers in each territory, by decade. Try for free: Subscribe to TDC! Twitter for curated news Facebook for daily posts Written, Narrated, and Produced by Bryce Plank Video Editing and Animation by Robin West Information source: Music: "Sunday" by Otis McDonald - YT Audio Library Script: This is a state by state look at how immigration to America has changed over time. In 1850, the vast majority of newcomers were from Ireland and Germany. In the 1860’s the labor shortages during the Civil War created strong demand for immigrant labor, nearly doubling the foreign born population in a decade. 1870 saw Mexico become the top country of origin in much of the Southwest, while British immigrants preferred the rocky mountain territories. The 1880 census showed that the Chinese were coming in large numbers. Many took dangerous jobs in the mines or on railroad building crews. For the next century immigrants from Canada crossing the southern border would be the largest group settling in many of the northernmost American states. In 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act blocked the arrival of large numbers of Asian immigrants for much of the next century. Unfortunately the overall microdata for the 1890 census were destroyed in a 1921 fire at the Department of Commerce. So fast-forward to 1900, the turn of the century, when the territorial boundaries of the continental United States were settled. For the first time Norwegians, Swedes, and Italians were the largest groups coming to South Dakota, Minnesota and Louisiana, respectively. 1910 shows us how quickly things can change, with large numbers of Russians and Italians arriving, the only state where Ireland was the top country of origin was tiny Delaware. With the American population exceeded 100 million in the 1920 census, there were equal numbers of German, Italian, and Russian born immigrants. Many had fled Europe to escape the horrors of World War I. By 1930 the industrial revolution was in full swing, and the country was growing rapidly from within, so the percent of foreign born fell. And, for the first time since 1850, Mexico was the dominant country of origin for new arrivals to California. By 1940, the quotas and other congressional measures passed in the previous decade to restrict immigration sharply cut the foreign born population to below 9%. 1950 saw the effects of the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act, as Chinese immigrants were finally welcomed back. Greeks were the largest group arriving in South Carolina. When Alaska and Hawaii became states in 1959, the year before the 1960 census, Canadians simply crossed the border to immigrate to The Last Frontier, but Filipinos crossed an entire ocean to become The Aloha State’s largest group. By 1970, the percentage of foreign born reached an all-time low. And with immigrants arriving from a wider range of countries, Italy was the only nation that had sent more than a million people. In 1980, after Congress began granting more visas to people from the Western Hemisphere, the number of states where Mexico was the top country of origin doubled in a decade, becoming the dominant foreign born population in the entire country. And in 1990 America began to look like the diverse country we live in today. Mexico was tops in 18 states, Dominicans were the largest group coming to New York, and South Korea and Southeast Asian nations were the leading countries of origin in seven states. In the year 2000 census the number of Mexican-born immigrants surpassed nine million. It’s also notable that India was the top country of origin in three states. And the 2010 census reveals exactly why America is quickly becoming so diverse: only five states - all of them bordering Canada - received the most immigrants from a majority white country. Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed that visualization of America’s immigration history. And a special thanks to for sponsoring this video. A membership will give you unlimited access to training on hundreds of topics--all for one flat fee. For a free 10-day trial, go to, that’s L-Y-N-D-A Dot Com Slash TDC. Be sure to use that URL so they know I sent you. Until next time, for The Daily Conversation, I’m Bryce Plank.
America's Sources of Immigration (1850-Today)
History of immigration to the United States
History of immigration to the United States
The history of immigration to the United States deals with the movement of people to the United States since the first European settlements in about 1600. Starting around 1600 British and other Europeans settled primarily on the east coast. Later Africans were brought as slaves. The United States experienced successive waves of immigration which rose and fell over time, particularly from Europe, with the cost of transoceanic transportation sometimes paid by travelers becoming indentured servants after their arrival in the New World. At other times, immigration rules became more restrictive. With the ending of numerical restrictions in 1965 and the advent of cheap air travel immigration has increased from Asia and Latin America. Attitudes toward new immigrants have cycled between favorable and hostile since the 1790s. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
History of immigration to the United States
Immigrants at Ellis Island | History
Immigrants at Ellis Island | History
An estimated 40% of Americans are descended from people who passed through the Ellis Island immigration station during its six decades of operation. But what was the immigration process like? #HistoryChannel Subscribe for more HISTORY: Read More: Check out exclusive HISTORY content: Website - /posts Facebook - Twitter -" HISTORY®, now reaching more than 98 million homes, is the leading destination for award-winning original series and specials that connect viewers with history in an informative, immersive, and entertaining manner across all platforms. The network's all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, epic miniseries, and scripted event programming. Visit us at for more info.
Immigrants at Ellis Island | History
No human can be Illegal | Veralucia Mendoza | TEDxToledo
No human can be Illegal | Veralucia Mendoza | TEDxToledo
Veralucia Mendoza speaks at a 2015 TEDx event in Toledo. Writer, photographer, and organizer at Farm Labor Organizing Committee. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
No human can be Illegal | Veralucia Mendoza | TEDxToledo
How DREAMers Defeated Trump: Supreme Court DACA Win Shows “Sustained Pressure of Activism” Works
How DREAMers Defeated Trump: Supreme Court DACA Win Shows “Sustained Pressure of Activism” Works
In a 5-4 decision led by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court on Thursday blocked President Trump’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. The federal program created by President Obama in 2012 protects from deportation about 700,000 immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children. Luis Cortes, one of the lawyers who defended DACA at the Supreme Court, says the key to the victory was being able to share the stories of DACA recipients. “What moved Chief Justice Roberts in our case was the stories,” says Cortes, who is a DACA recipient himself. We also speak with Erika Andiola, advocacy chief at RAICES, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, and host of the podcast “Homeland Insecurity.” #DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today: FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: iTunes:!-audio/id73802554 Daily Email Digest:
How DREAMers Defeated Trump: Supreme Court DACA Win Shows “Sustained Pressure of Activism” Works
As Lawmakers Debate Future of DACA, What Will It Take for Democrats to Protect DREAMers?
As Lawmakers Debate Future of DACA, What Will It Take for Democrats to Protect DREAMers? - Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are continuing to debate the future of DACA, the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which gives some 800,000 young undocumented immigrants permission to live and work in the United States. Republican lawmakers are pushing to include an amendment to punish so-called sanctuary cities as part of any immigration legislation to protect DREAMers. Meanwhile, a second federal judge has temporarily blocked the Trump administration from canceling DACA. On Tuesday, Judge Nicholas Garaufis in New York issued an injunction to keep the program temporarily in place, warning its cancellation would have “profound and irreversible” social costs, writing, “It is impossible to understand the full consequences of a decision of this magnitude.” For more, we speak with Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), vice ranking member of the House Budget Committee and vice chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today: FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: SoundCloud: Daily Email: Google+: Instagram: Tumblr: Pinterest: iTunes:!-audio/id73802554 TuneIn: Stitcher Radio:
As Lawmakers Debate Future of DACA, What Will It Take for Democrats to Protect DREAMers?
The Supreme Court's DACA Decision and its Impact
The Supreme Court's DACA Decision and its Impact
This video contains legal information not legal advice.TAMU LAW ANSWERS “Legal Issues in the Age of the Coronavirus” WEBINAR SERIES and the TAMU Law "Immigra...
The Supreme Court's DACA Decision and its Impact
Know Your Rights: Supreme Court Rules on Arizona Immigration Law
Know Your Rights: Supreme Court Rules on Arizona Immigration Law
Read more: VIDEO: Conozca Sus Derechos: SB1070 Y El Tribunal Supremo: The Supreme Court recently made a decision in Arizona's controversial immigration law, SB 1070. The Court struck down most of the law. But the Court did not stop Arizona from moving forward with the part of the law that requires police to demand papers from people they stop. However, this piece of the law is NOT in effect right now. But no matter where you live or whether the law is in effect, you have certain Constitutional rights if you are stopped by police -- even if you don't have papers. Watch our video to learn more about your rights. If you think you were treated unfairly by the police, write down everything that happened. If police asked to see your papers, try to remember how long you were stopped for. The Supreme Court said that police cannot keep you for a long time just to check your immigration status. For people in Arizona: if a police officer delayed your release while he or she checked your status or if you believe you were asked about your immigration status based on your race, ethnicity, or ability to speak English, let us know by calling 855-737-7386. Sign today: I reject racial profiling and will do everything in my power to stop anti-immigrant laws. I stand with millions of people who care about justice, freedom and upholding the Constitution: VIDEO: Conozca Sus Derechos: SB1070 Y El Tribunal Supremo: Mi ACLU: Defendemos tus libertades civiles en los Estados Unidos:
Know Your Rights: Supreme Court Rules on Arizona Immigration Law
DACA: How We Got Here
DACA: How We Got Here
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a program that has been transformative for nearly a million people. It's been known for providing protections from deportation but it’s done a lot more than that. This is the story of how we got DACA, why it matters, and what you can do right now. For more info about the work we do subscribe to our channel ( and visit Also check out: Instagram → Twitter → Facebook →
DACA: How We Got Here