Women's Movements & the Law

"#women's rights" "#law degree"
From the Archives: The First 5 Women to Receive Law Degrees from the University of Georgia - Rachel Evans
From the Archives: The First 5 Women to Receive Law Degrees from the University of Georgia - Rachel Evans
"For Women's History Month our display of books and other resources from the collection near the library's entrance are joined by some additional signage spotlighting the trailblazing women at the University of Georgia School of Law."
From the Archives: The First 5 Women to Receive Law Degrees from the University of Georgia - Rachel Evans
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
"Frequently when women's issues are discussed researched and/or analyzed they do not always take into account additional and separate issues that may be faced by women of color. When it was learned that then-ABA president Hilarie Bass would have as one of her primary initiatives a study and research based on the long-term careers of women in law it occurred to us that the experiences of women of color could be different. After all we could within minutes identify approximately 90 percent of the women of color practicing in firms more than 30 years. This is not a good thing."
Left Out and Behind: The Hurdles Hassles and Heartaches of Achieving Long-Term Legal Careers for Women of Color - By Destiny Peery Paulette Brown and Eileen Letts
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers
"The trope of the strong Black woman is not only false it's dangerous. Black women more than anyone need to practice self-care."
As a Black Female Law Professor I'm Nurturing a System That Doesn't Protect People Like Me - Tiffany Jeffers