Women's Movements & the Law
AP investigation: Women's prison fostered culture of abuse
WASHINGTON (AP) — Inside one of the only federal women’s prisons in the United States, inmates say they have been subjected to rampant sexual abuse by correctional officers and even the warden, and were often threatened or punished when they tried to speak up.
Bill Cosby home from prison after court reverses sexual assault conviction
Bill Cosby was freed from prison and returned home on Wednesday, less than two hours after Pennsylvania's highest court overturned his sexual assault conviction, saying he never should have faced charges after striking a non-prosecution deal with a previous district attorney more than 15 years ago.
Revolution Starts at Home Zine - Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities
I am not proposing that sexual violence
and domestic violence will no longer exist. I am proposing that we create a world where so many people are walking around with the skills and knowledge to support someone that there is no longer a need for anonymous hotlines.
I am proposing that we break through the
shame of survivors (a result of rape culture) and the victim-blaming ideology of all of us (also a result of rape culture), so that survivors can gain support from the people already in their lives. I am proposing that we create a society where community members care enough to hold anabuser accountable so that a survivor does not have to flee their home. I am proposing that all of the folks that have been disappointed by systems work together to create alternative systems. I am proposing that
we organize.
Rebecca Farr, CARA member
FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture
Founded in 2010 by and for survivors, FORCE is an art and activist collective dedicated to end sexual violence and build a culture of consent, widely known for creating public art to disrupt rape culture. FORCE is an intersectional, LGBTQ focused, multicultural, pro-black and anti-white supremacist collective, who did our deepest organizing work in Baltimore and Mexico City, and planted seeds globally. We strove for our visual imagery, language, resources, and organizing strategies to have a local and global impact in our efforts to end sexual and intimate partner violence by changing social attitudes and connecting these shifts to policy change. In 2021, for the health of FORCE’s Collective and to best serve the community, FORCE ceased active programming. Today, FORCE’s efforts are totally focused on the archiving of the Monument Quilt our collection of 3000 quilted stories sewn into 750 8’x8′ blocks from survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence from around the world. FORCE seeks to find a home for every single piece of the Monument Quilt, spreading its expressive power. For more information and to become a part of this historic project, please contact us at archiving@themonumentquilt.org!
Gender-Based Violence and Environment Linkages - IUCN
(GBV-ENV Center)This Center is a platform for gathering resources and tools, mobilizing learning, and forging action, together. Ending gender-based violence and securing environmental sustainability are each global priorities. These two issues are linked in many ways, across contexts, countries and communities. While seldom addressed together, understanding and addressing these linkages may be key to meeting … Gender-Based Violence and Environment Linkages Read More »
Rights4Girls continues to be a leading voice on safety and justice for young women and girls. Our advocacy and programs have received national attention with our work being featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Today Show, ABC News, NBC News, NPR, PBS NewsHour, The Boston Globe, The Miami Herald, among other outlets. For more, see our achievements below.
About - Art Against Assault
Art Against Assault is a grassroots organization established to grant survivors a platform for creating artwork which speaks out against sexual assault and domestic violence to raise awareness and funds for survivor resources. Founded in 2011 by survivor artist and …
In focus: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence | UN Women – Headquarters
The United Nations is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence from 25 November to 10 December 2021, under the global theme set by the UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE campaign: “Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!”
How My Life Changed
Vithai Zaraunkar
Once my professor at Goa University said to me that I had changed a lot. “You were so quiet, seated on the last bench in the class, afraid to be noticed by teachers. You are not the same Vithai I met five years ago. Do you think you have changed?”
I thought for a bit and replied
Whose choice is it? : abortion, medicine, and the law - David F. Walbert (Editor); J. Douglas Butler (Editor)
"This edition strives to give a comprehensive view of the entire subject of abortion-safety, morality, legality, accessibility, human rights and freedoms, reproductive justice, and a host of other issues as it relates to ongoing public policy"--
When sex counts : making babies and making law - Sherry F. Colb
From a decidedly left-of-center perspective, the author discusses how law and public policy grapple with the differences between genders while simultaneously struggling to maintain a commitment to equal treatment under the law. The book consists of previously published general audience articles that are both provocative and newsworthy.