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🚨 BREAKING: A jökulhlaup (glacial outburst flood) has begun at Grímsvötn, signalling a heightened possibility of a volcanic eruption, says Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson, a geophysics professor at the University of Iceland. #Grímsvötn #IcelandVolcanoAlert— Lava Centre (@LavaCentre) January 11, 2024
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The latest Geography in the News covers the cause, effects and responses to the Sea of Japan Earthquake. 1. Students read the article on Internet Geography:— 🌍 (@InternetGeog) January 3, 2024
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Look for opp to develop synopticity + integrate geog skills '1:Analysis of hazard distribution patterns on world and regional scale maps'e.g. tsunamis; tectonic mega-disasters #GIS web map @ArcGISOnline created in @GIPedagogy@GIS4Schools @Dav1dM0rgan— BC (@mildthing99) August 28, 2021
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Chile earthquake of 2010 | Tsunami, Deaths, Recovery, & Facts
Chile earthquake of 2010 | Tsunami, Deaths, Recovery, & Facts
Chile earthquake of 2010, severe earthquake that occurred on February 27, 2010, off the coast of south-central Chile, causing widespread damage on land and initiating a tsunami that devastated some coastal areas of the country. Together, the earthquake and tsunami were responsible for more than 500 deaths.
Chile earthquake of 2010 | Tsunami, Deaths, Recovery, & Facts
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NST Geography Trips on Twitter
Mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes... Download this fantastic classroom poster from the Royal Geographical Society here: Check out our geography trips: #geographyteacher @RGS_IBG— NST Geography Trips (@NSTGeography) October 7, 2023
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