Example Urban Regeneration NEA
DataShine: Census
The 2011 Census, mapped with context for England/Wales.
Brent | Long-Term Urban Regeneration Plan
Wembley Park regeneration: £3 billion project – what’s been done so far? - Voice of London
Wembley Park – which was once known as the prime match day destination, has become one of the top hotspots for London. As we approach 2020, Voice of London will highlight the key points for...
Wembley Way, London - BDA
Wembley Park Masterplan
The Wembley Park scheme began through Quintain's acquisition of approximately 44 acres of exhibition land and car parks surrounding the National Stadium in 2002. Subsequent land purchases have expanded our ownership to 85 acres, creating one of the largest urban regeneration sites in Europe. Our expertise at Wembley
Regeneration | Brent Council
Find out where and how we are improving housing, businesses and facilities across the borough, and in doing so providing more homes job opportunities and environmental benefits to residents
Regeneration in Wembley | Brent Council
Wembley is one of the largest regeneration projects in the country. Find out about the development underway, as well as some of work that we have already completed.
London Social Development Corporation - Social value in regeneration
Regeneration evidence on a page
What the regeneration areas should be trying to achieve - Centre for Cities
Measuring the placemaking impacts of housing-led regeneration
The first in a series of Homes England research reports on measuring social value.
The Base Guide to Urban Regeneration - Base
Urban regeneration (or urban renewal as it can also be known), involves the targeted use of public and private funding to regenerate a specific area of a town
The social impact of urban nature in regeneration
Centre for cities making places the role of regeneration in levelling up
English Cities Fund (ECF) doubles in size to deliver place changing regeneration across England
Fund increases to £400 million to build on success to date, supporting and unlocking the potential of cities and towns across England
Regeneration project: Canning Town and Custom House – Newham Council
Plans to build a sustainable community in Canning Town and Custom House involve you, whether you are a resident or a business. Find out what changes are underway, what’s in store and how you can get involved.
About the redevelopment of the King’s Cross area of London
King’s Cross is one of the largest redevelopments in London. Read how the 67-acre historic site has been transformed into a vibrant new part of the city.
Learning from King’s Cross Regeneration - Centre for Cities
The History and Experience of Urban Regeneration in the UK
Savills David Williams examines UK urban regeneration since 1945, emphasising policy evolution and key projects including the success and failures of projects s
Urban regeneration, street patterns and network of public spaces in King's Cross, London, UK — UNEP Neighbourhood Guidelines
We need to talk about urban regeneration
Successful regeneration projects need to ensure affordability, access to facilities and involve local communities and residents, said participants at a recent Guardian roundtable
Regeneration projects
View the projects we've been involved with across London.
Measuring the success of the Olympic Regeneration Project
Essential Notes on Regeneration
Measuring the success of regeneration in Barking & Dagenham