Webinars in the field of (Physical) Oceanography | Contact github.com/chouj

Webinars in the field of (Physical) Oceanography | Contact github.com/chouj

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卢著敏: 台风产生的内核区域海表面降温| 洪宇:Variation of the Southern Ocean ventilation pathway-Subantarctic Mode Water in Observations and Models - LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2022-3
卢著敏: 台风产生的内核区域海表面降温| 洪宇:Variation of the Southern Ocean ventilation pathway-Subantarctic Mode Water in Observations and Models - LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2022-3
1月20日 09:30 腾讯会议ID(线上报告):920 328 856\x0d\x0a主持人:何卓琪 副研、耿兵绪 助研
卢著敏: 台风产生的内核区域海表面降温| 洪宇:Variation of the Southern Ocean ventilation pathway-Subantarctic Mode Water in Observations and Models - LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2022-3
王立诚:Contribution of Water Vapor in the Record-Breaking Extreme Meiyu Rainfall along the Yangtze River Valley in 2020 | 薛玮:Boreal Summer Negative Correlation Relationship Between Interannual SST and Precipitation Anomalies in the Tropical and Subtropical Western North Pacific - 蔚蓝空间|大气科学论坛
王立诚:Contribution of Water Vapor in the Record-Breaking Extreme Meiyu Rainfall along the Yangtze River Valley in 2020 | 薛玮:Boreal Summer Negative Correlation Relationship Between Interannual SST and Precipitation Anomalies in the Tropical and Subtropical Western North Pacific - 蔚蓝空间|大气科学论坛
时间:2022年01月09日,20:00-21:00\x0a腾讯ID:158 749 859
王立诚:Contribution of Water Vapor in the Record-Breaking Extreme Meiyu Rainfall along the Yangtze River Valley in 2020 | 薛玮:Boreal Summer Negative Correlation Relationship Between Interannual SST and Precipitation Anomalies in the Tropical and Subtropical Western North Pacific - 蔚蓝空间|大气科学论坛
张小娟:海洋热浪的多时间尺度变化特征及其调控因子分析 | 刘志强:基于有限制集合卡尔曼滤波CEnKF的CO2资料同化系统COLA的构建及应用 | 大气所研究生第二十期学术沙龙
张小娟:海洋热浪的多时间尺度变化特征及其调控因子分析 | 刘志强:基于有限制集合卡尔曼滤波CEnKF的CO2资料同化系统COLA的构建及应用 | 大气所研究生第二十期学术沙龙
1月5日 星期三 晚19:30,腾讯会议 ID:852 524 891
张小娟:海洋热浪的多时间尺度变化特征及其调控因子分析 | 刘志强:基于有限制集合卡尔曼滤波CEnKF的CO2资料同化系统COLA的构建及应用 | 大气所研究生第二十期学术沙龙
谢皆烁:南海北部大尺度环流对内孤立波的调制规律 | 郭炜豪:Impacts of Diverse El Nino Events on North Tropical Atlantic Warming in their Decaying Springs - LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2021-42
谢皆烁:南海北部大尺度环流对内孤立波的调制规律 | 郭炜豪:Impacts of Diverse El Nino Events on North Tropical Atlantic Warming in their Decaying Springs - LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2021-42
12月30日 09:00 腾讯会议ID(线上报告):176 760 701 主持人:何卓琪 副研,耿兵绪 助研
谢皆烁:南海北部大尺度环流对内孤立波的调制规律 | 郭炜豪:Impacts of Diverse El Nino Events on North Tropical Atlantic Warming in their Decaying Springs - LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2021-42
郭媛媛:Interdecadal Changes in the Relationship between Wintertime Surface Air Temperature over the Indo-China Peninsula and ENSO | LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2021-40
郭媛媛:Interdecadal Changes in the Relationship between Wintertime Surface Air Temperature over the Indo-China Peninsula and ENSO | LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2021-40
报告时间:2021年12月15日 09:30\x0a报告地点:南海所2号楼 1201\x0a腾讯会议ID(线上报告):772 969 417\x0a主持人:何卓琪 副研究员 ,耿兵绪 助理研究员
郭媛媛:Interdecadal Changes in the Relationship between Wintertime Surface Air Temperature over the Indo-China Peninsula and ENSO | LTO国家重点实验室学术报告2021-40