Evaluating Fonts: Font Family Selection for Accessibility & Display Readability (PDF)
Type Scale - A Visual Calculator
Guide for designing better mobile apps typography
OpenDyslexic is a typeface designed against some common symptoms of dyslexia. If you like the way you are able to read this page, and others, then this typeface is for you!
Good Fonts for Dyslexia (PDF)
In this paper, we present the first experiment that uses eye-tracking to measure the effect of font type on reading speed. Using a within-subject design, 48 subjects with dyslexia read 12 texts with 12 dif- ferent fonts. Sans serif, monospaced and roman font styles significantly improved the reading performance over serif, proportional and italic fonts. On the basis of our results, we present a set of more accessible fonts for people with dyslexia.
A Guide to Understanding What Makes a Typeface Accessible | by Gareth Ford Williams | The Readability Group | Medium