— nicely designed decks, curated

Pair Up
FFmpeg Explorer!
Book Notes ⋅ Vyshnav Gangadharan
Design’s New Deal | Figma Blog
Build a 65c02-based computer from scratch
steven-tey/novel: Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.
PyFlo - The beginners guide to becoming a Python programmer
Internet Speed Test - Measure Network Performance | Cloudflare
CSS Selectors: A Visual Guide & Reference
Refero — Search | iOS |
Why Figma Wins - kwokchain
ertekinno/libre-caslon-condensed: An open-source condensed serif font family derived from the beloved Libre Caslon.
CSS iç içe (nesting) yazım
11 steps and jigs for mastering router trimmer / Hacks!
Vitsœ: A Purpose-Driven Company
JavaScript for Web Designers by Mat Marquis - Read Online
React Native Express
Themes – Radix UI
Process Masterclass - Learn UI/UX design, increase your value as a designer
Uplifting Shopify Polaris
mess with dns
Organizing my Drawer with 3D Printing
Takenaka Marangozluk Aletleri Müzesi "Kigumi Evi"
Video: Modern CSS Layout is Awesome
Core Web Vitals for Search Engine Optimisation: What Do We Need to Know?
Introducing React Tweet – Vercel
Multi-layered calendars