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GIRL AI: Playful Subversion with AI & Design
GIRL AI: Playful Subversion with AI & Design
Our virtual and real lives are almost completely interconnected. Online, offline, virtual, physical & genders—all blend into a hypersoup with one ingredient particularly standing out. AI has furiously entered the chat. Under dominant ideologies, new technology often exploits rather than aids. This workshop invites diverse participants to subvert in a creative way these practices and [...]
GIRL AI: Playful Subversion with AI & Design
Against AI Narratives
Against AI Narratives
Mainstream AI narratives suck. We are stuck with language, visuals and metaphors that force us to think about AI's “transformative potential” and “inevitable adoption”. But is that what we want? At this workshop we will collectively create alternative AI narratives and examine their building blocks. Be warned: this is a creative, hands-on session where we [...]
Against AI Narratives
AI Song Generator - Generate Songs for Free with AI
AI Song Generator - Generate Songs for Free with AI
Explore Remusic's AI Song Generator to effortlessly create original, high-quality songs in seconds. Utilize AI to generate songs complete with lyrics and vocals, and download them. Simply input basic text to generate your unique song, up to 4 minutes in length.
AI Song Generator - Generate Songs for Free with AI
Suno Explore
Suno Explore
Explore new styles of music with Suno
Suno Explore
Processing Foundation on Instagram: "✨💻JOB ALERT 💻✨The Processing Foundation is looking for applicants who are passionate about open-source software development to apply for the p5.js @p5xjs Project Fellow (entry-level) or Project Lead (mid-level) position. We offer a competitive base salary of $90,000 for the p5.js Project Fellow and $95,000 for the p5.js Project Lead. Both positions are accompanied by mentorship and come with promotional opportunities. The ideal candidates care deeply about broadening access to code education, are willing to learn new skills, and co-envision the future of p5.js with project stakeholders. For full consideration, please submit your application (link below and in bio) by Saturday, September 7, 2024. Learn more about this employment opportunity 🌸 🔗Job posting: 🔗Application: #Processing #ProcessingFoundation #JobOpening #newmedia #creativecoding #opensource #ProcessingCommunity #diversit...
Processing Foundation on Instagram: "✨💻JOB ALERT 💻✨The Processing Foundation is looking for applicants who are passionate about open-source software development to apply for the p5.js @p5xjs Project Fellow (entry-level) or Project Lead (mid-level) position. We offer a competitive base salary of $90,000 for the p5.js Project Fellow and $95,000 for the p5.js Project Lead. Both positions are accompanied by mentorship and come with promotional opportunities. The ideal candidates care deeply about broadening access to code education, are willing to learn new skills, and co-envision the future of p5.js with project stakeholders. For full consideration, please submit your application (link below and in bio) by Saturday, September 7, 2024. Learn more about this employment opportunity 🌸 🔗Job posting: 🔗Application: #Processing #ProcessingFoundation #JobOpening #newmedia #creativecoding #opensource #ProcessingCommunity #diversit...
processingorg on August 12, 2024: "✨💻JOB ALERT 💻✨The Processing Foundation is looking for applicants who are passionate about open-source software development to apply for the p5.js @p5xjs Project Fellow (entry-level) or Project Lead (mid-level) position. We offer a competitive base salary of $90,000 for the p5.js Project Fellow and $95,000 for the p5.js Project Lead. Both positions are accompanied by mentorship and come with promotional opportunities. The ideal candidates care deeply about broadening access to code education, are willing to learn new skills, and co-envision the future of p5.js with project stakeholders. For full consideration, please submit your application (link below and in bio) by Saturday, September 7, 2024. Learn more about this employment opportunity 🌸 🔗Job posting: 🔗Application: #Processing #ProcessingFoundation #JobOpening #newmedia #creativecoding #opensource #ProcessingCommunity #diversityintech #accessibility #p5js #p5community #p5jsSoftware #techequity #OpenCall #javascript #java".
Processing Foundation on Instagram: "✨💻JOB ALERT 💻✨The Processing Foundation is looking for applicants who are passionate about open-source software development to apply for the p5.js @p5xjs Project Fellow (entry-level) or Project Lead (mid-level) position. We offer a competitive base salary of $90,000 for the p5.js Project Fellow and $95,000 for the p5.js Project Lead. Both positions are accompanied by mentorship and come with promotional opportunities. The ideal candidates care deeply about broadening access to code education, are willing to learn new skills, and co-envision the future of p5.js with project stakeholders. For full consideration, please submit your application (link below and in bio) by Saturday, September 7, 2024. Learn more about this employment opportunity 🌸 🔗Job posting: 🔗Application: #Processing #ProcessingFoundation #JobOpening #newmedia #creativecoding #opensource #ProcessingCommunity #diversit...
AI and I
AI and I
Learn how the smartest people in the world are using AI to think, create, and relate. Each week I interview founders, filmmakers, writers, investors, and others about how they use AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Midjourney in their work and in their lives. We screen-share through their historical chats and then experiment with AI live on the show. Join us to discover how AI is changing how we think about our world—and ourselves. For more essays, interviews, and experiments at the forefront of AI:
AI and I
"Demand No Automation" with Wesley Goatley x Autonomous Sheep
"Demand No Automation" with Wesley Goatley x Autonomous Sheep
🚀 "Demand No Automation: Towards a 'Progressive' AI Art" with Wesley Goatley 💫 Wesley Goatley is a Senior Lecturer on MA Interaction Design at London College of Communication. Wesley is an artist and digital media theorist, whose work examines the politics and aesthetics of data, machine learning, and networked technologies. His work in installation, sound art, and sculpture is exhibited internationally, including recent shows at Milan Design Week, the V&A Museum, Seoul SFX Festival, and Eyebeam in New York. He gives regular guest lectures and talks on his practice and research at events including CTM Festival Berlin, Global Art Forum Singapore, and the European Data Forum in Eindhoven. 🐑 A part of "Future Worlds and Machine Learning" presented by Autonomous Sheep
"Demand No Automation" with Wesley Goatley x Autonomous Sheep
Winter Fellowship 2025 | GovAI Blog
Winter Fellowship 2025 | GovAI Blog
Summer and Winter Fellowships provide an opportunity for early-career individuals or individuals new to the field of AI governance to work on a research project and learn about the field.
Winter Fellowship 2025 | GovAI Blog
All Light, Everywhere | Rotten Tomatoes
All Light, Everywhere | Rotten Tomatoes
ALL LIGHT, EVERYWHERE is an exploration of the shared histories of cameras, weapons, policing and justice. As surveillance technologies become a fixture in everyday life, the film interrogates the complexity of an objective point of view, probing the biases inherent in both human perception and the lens.
All Light, Everywhere | Rotten Tomatoes
Identity Turns on a Pixel When the World Becomes a Picture
Identity Turns on a Pixel When the World Becomes a Picture
A group show by SPACE Art + Tech Focus – Next and InProcess residency artists, posing questions about what it means to be human and a citizen in the digital age, through work in progress and research developed throughout the residency. In response to the theme Future Human, the artists explored how AI (Artificial Intelligence) is impacting the way we understand the world. Works have been created with the use and subversion of emergent technologies such as facial recognition, data algorithms, augmented reality, voice recognition and moving image. Audiences are invited to create their own data ritual, explore ideas on machine bias and life post death and take a journey through distant past and future to experience Earth’s climate. My collaboration with artist Shinji Toya centres around a critical examination of the limits of categorisation in machine learning systems. Specifically, we’re interested in the institution and function of racial categories in image-based facial recognition algorithms; the project questions how social structures and technical systems intertwine to intensify existing conditions of bias and inequity, and how this bias operates as a substrate of the algorithmic image. Layers of Abstraction: A Pixel at the Heart of Identity is a visual indication of research-in-progress, presenting the mixed technological method we used to uncover a single pixel that represents the limit between ‘Asian’ and ‘White’ racial categories in a commercial facial recognition system. By passing the image through more than one image-based algorithm, we begin to distil the locus of difference as read by the machine-eye. The pixel acts as a threshold through which the system reconfigures itself and, in doing so, gives rise to identities hidden amidst arrays of colour channel data. The minute, discrete, and tangible nature of the pixel as a racialized limit point between categories points to a social problem at the heart of abstraction in machine learning systems.
Identity Turns on a Pixel When the World Becomes a Picture
UAL Showcase
UAL Showcase
Discover the creators, rebels and innovators of tomorrow in art, design, fashion, communication, media and performing arts. View and buy work by UAL graduates.
UAL Showcase