AIxDESIGN Bookmark Library

AIxDESIGN Bookmark Library

Techne Beyond Monoculture III 1/4
Techne Beyond Monoculture III 1/4
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Techne Beyond Monoculture III 1/4
Artifice and Intelligence
Artifice and Intelligence
Emily Tucker, Executive Director of the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law, on tech, vocabulary and power.
Artifice and Intelligence
Alan Warburton
Alan Warburton
Artist using technology, computer-generated images, algorithms, motion graphics, animation and 3D printing.
Alan Warburton
The Wizard of AI
The Wizard of AI
Join Alan Warburton on a fantastical journey to explore what AI means for artists in the 'Wizard of AI', through the prism of multiple AI tools.
The Wizard of AI
Future Art Ecosystems 4: Art x Public AI
Future Art Ecosystems 4: Art x Public AI
Future Art Ecosystems 4: Art x Public AI provides analyses, concepts and strategies for responding to the transformations of AI systems on culture and society.
Future Art Ecosystems 4: Art x Public AI
Het doel van deze Call for proposals is het verwerven van kennis en inzichten die bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling en de toepassing van mensgerichte AI. De overkoepelende vraag binnen het AiNed ELSA programma is: Hoe kunnen we, door te leren van concrete casuïstiek, schaalbare en generaliseerbare kennis en inzichten opdoen voor mensgerichte AI toepassingen?
Start AiNed ELSA Labs call 2024: 6,8 miljoen beschikbaar voor onderzoek naar mensgerichte AI met economische impact • Nederlandse AI Coalitie
Start AiNed ELSA Labs call 2024: 6,8 miljoen beschikbaar voor onderzoek naar mensgerichte AI met economische impact • Nederlandse AI Coalitie
AI is een systeemtechnologie die in de afgelopen jaren wereldwijd op hoog tempo verandering teweeg heeft gebracht. De impact van AI op de economie en maatschappij is groot en zal naar verwachting alleen maar toenemen. Tegelijkertijd roept het gebruik van AI allerlei ethische (E), juridische (L), maatschappelijke en economische (S) vraagstukken (A) op.
Start AiNed ELSA Labs call 2024: 6,8 miljoen beschikbaar voor onderzoek naar mensgerichte AI met economische impact • Nederlandse AI Coalitie
A Roadmap to Democratic AI - 2024 — The Collective Intelligence Project
A Roadmap to Democratic AI - 2024 — The Collective Intelligence Project
We are launching a "Roadmap to Democratic AI" outlining paths towards greater collective stewardship and better distribution of AI's benefits. Our roadmap outlines concrete steps that can be taken in 2024 to build a more democratic AI ecosystem that is adaptive, accountable, processes dece
A Roadmap to Democratic AI - 2024 — The Collective Intelligence Project
SHAPE+ platform announces 2024/2025 open call for artists - SHAPE+ Platform
SHAPE+ platform announces 2024/2025 open call for artists - SHAPE+ Platform
SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, co-funded by the European Union, announces a new open call for artist submissions for its next working period: July 15, 2024 – July 14, 2025 SHAPE+ aims to boost the careers of European artists through collaborative residencies, commissioned artworks and performances. SHAPE+ artists will be invited to […]
SHAPE+ platform announces 2024/2025 open call for artists - SHAPE+ Platform
Measuring Diversity
Measuring Diversity
Search results that reflect historic inequities can amplify stereotypes and perpetuate under-representation. Carefully measuring diversity in data sets can help.
Measuring Diversity
Eveline Ypma / Laugarvatn | Open Culture Tech
Eveline Ypma / Laugarvatn | Open Culture Tech
Eveline Ypma is a (film) composer, multi-instrumentalist and sound artist. She specializes in compositions with a subdued and playful character. Her love for nature is reflected in her creations through soundscapes; this brings a idiosyncratic and organic dimension to her music.
Eveline Ypma / Laugarvatn | Open Culture Tech