NextRise 2021 Online Conference - Microsoft (Kor Sub)
NextRise 2021, Seoul Online ConferenceCategory : ESGTopic : Design Responsibly: Creating AI products with the Human + AI design guidelinesSpeakers : Ruth kik...
By Tom Simonite (WIRED) | Privacy concerns about AI systems are growing. So researchers are testing whether they can remove sensitive data without retraining the system from scratch.
Attack discrimination with smarter machine learning
By Martin Wattenberg, Fernanda Viégas, and Moritz Hardt | As machine learning is increasingly used to make important decisions across core social domains, the work of ensuring that these decisions aren't discriminatory becomes crucial. Here we discuss "threshold classifiers," a part of some machine learning systems that is critical to issues of discrimination.
The Deep Learning Specialization is a foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology.
Working with participants in AI data collections: drawing from user research and communication…
By Arathi Sethumadhavan, David Mondello, and Karen Chappell | "So much of the participant experience during data collections is shaped by the moderator leading the session. It is therefore a vitally important role, and one that can really make a difference in helping to address potential concerns or questions that participants might have." This article provides tips and tricks for moderating a session for data collection.
Designing in Liquid Times: Generative Graphic Design in an Age of Uncertainty
By Marlies Peeters, PLOT(s): Journal of Design Studies | The shift of information from static to mobile and ephemeral has influenced what it means to be a graphic designer. Not only do graphic designers have to adapt to a new medium, but they are no longer the only people who have access to these skills when design tools are made to be easily accessible by people with no design experience as well. With the developments of software and its accessibility, how has graphic design changed as a profession?
By Futura Epsis 1 | Machine drawn digital artworks based on nature itself. Originally created for the 1st Antarctic Biennale “Levitate” is an artwork visualising and interpreting natural phenomenons and systems, capturing the beauty and complexity of nature.
Visual data captured around the globe forms the inspiration and foundation of each unique artwork.
Click on the image to learn more!
WOMEN Inc. zet zich in voor gendergelijkheid op verschillende thema’s, waaronder een inclusieve arbeidsmarkt. In december organiseert WOMEN Inc. een congres over de kansen en risico's van de inzet van artificial intelligence op de arbeidsmarkt. Voor de ontwikkeling van het inhoudelijke programma van dit congres zijn we op zoek naar een freelancer die ons team tijdelijk kan versterken. We zijn op zoek naar iemand met ervaring in het maken van programma's en met kennis over en een netwerk in dit werkveld. Het gaat om een betaalde opdracht in de periode augustus - december voor 5 à 10 uur in de week.
Building AI - A free online introduction to AI for non-experts
Building AI is a free online course where you'll learn about the actual algorithms that make creating AI methods possible. Created by Reaktor and the University of Helsinki.
Teens use “algorithmic folklore” to crack TikTok’s black box
By Iretiolu Akinrinade & Joan Mukogosi | Despite the prevalence of strategic ignorance inside social media and gaming companies, today’s teen tech users have developed a number of creative and often hilarious strategies to make sure that they are seen, heard, and valued online.