AIxDESIGN Bookmark Library
Humans Need Not Apply
Plug & Pray
Do You Trust this Computer?
Ghost in the Shell
Ex Machina
Measuring trends in Artificial Intelligence
What's AI
The importance of transparency and user control in machine learning - O'Reilly Media
Machine Learning Ethic Videos
AI for everyone (Curso de Inteligencia Artificial para todos)
The Radical AI podcast
Design for AI with Mark Bailey
In Machines We Trust
IDEO Futures
The Human-Centered AI podcast
AI UX | Intel Software - YouTube
AI x Design - YouTube playlist
Chris Noessel: The Dawn of Agentive Technology: The UX of “soft” AI
Coded Bias
Andrew Ng Explains Enterprise AI Strategy
Machine Ethics
AI Zen Podcast with Andrew and Jen - IBM
Her (2013)
A list of artificial intelligence tools you can use today — for personal use (1/3)
The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World
User data is not objective
Data Science and Design Thinking Belong Together
Marry Data Science with User Research. Ethical Design Depends on It.