Simultaneous Triangulation: Mixing User Research & Data Science Methods
AIxDESIGN Bookmark Library
AI x User Research - Newsletter #2
Speculative Everything
SpeculativeEdu | Interview: Nick Baerten
Design Jobs of 2050
From Hype to Practice: Revealing the Effects of AI in Service Design
Want to Reduce Fear of AI? Start with Service Design
Service Design in the Age of Automation
The Evidence of Design 2.0 - An Impactful Service Identity Designed with AI
AI x Service Design - Newsletter #1
Do something interesting
Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists
In this course, students will learn fundamental machine learning techniques that can be used to make sense of human gesture, musical audio, and other real-time data. The focus will be on learning about algorithms, software tools, and best practices that can be immediately employed in creating new real-time systems in the arts.
Fluxus Landscape, by Şerife Wong
Machine Learning + Design
A collection of resources for intersection of design, user experience, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Tech Ethics Curricula: A Collection of Syllabi | by Casey Fiesler | Medium
Systems Smart Enough To Know When They're Not Smart Enough | Big Medium
Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence |
Spotify Design - Simultaneous Triangulation: Mixing User Research & Data Science Methods
Robots Are Wrong Too—Confusion Mapping for the Worst Case
Rehearsing the Future - Editorial by Google Design
Predictably Smart - Google Design
Material Design Patterns for machine learning-powered features - Google
Machine Learning for Designers - O'REILLY
Machine Ethics Toolkit – Run your own DIY Workshop
Interpretable Machine Learning | A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable
IBM Design for AI
IBM AI Camp DIY Guide
Google People + AI Guidebook
AI and UX Why Artificial Intelligence Needs User Experience
HyperHuman - by IDEO / Core77 Design Awards