Rehearsing the Future - Editorial by Google Design

AIxDESIGN Bookmark Library
Predictably Smart - Google Design
Material Design Patterns for machine learning-powered features - Google
Machine Learning for Designers - O'REILLY
Machine Ethics Toolkit – Run your own DIY Workshop
Interpretable Machine Learning | A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable
IBM Design for AI
IBM AI Camp DIY Guide
Google People + AI Guidebook
AI and UX Why Artificial Intelligence Needs User Experience
HyperHuman - by IDEO / Core77 Design Awards
5 Smart Google Analytics tips to improve user experience
Inclusive Design AI
The UX of AI - Library - Google Design
Human-centered Machine Learning: a Machine-in-the-loop Approach | by Chenhao Tan
Human-Centered Machine Learning - 7 steps to stay focused on the user when designing with ML – Google Design
Human-centered AI cheat-sheet - UX Collective
How to Meet User Expectations for Artificial Intelligence
How to design for AI-enabled UI - Prototypr
How AI has started to impact our work as designers – UX Collective
Futures Thinking & Design Thinking
Fair Is Not the Default - Google Design
Explainable AI Is An Interaction Design Issue -- Not Just A Data Science Issue
Experience Design in the Machine Learning Era – Fabien Girardin – Medium
Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence – Design at IBM
Don’t Call AI “Magic”
Designer-friendly Resources to Study AI and Machine Learning
Design Thinking with AI – Rob Harrigan
Design of Artificial Intelligence Products – Jeffrey Chou
Design in the Era of the Algorithm