The Practice of Art & AI

AIxDESIGN Bookmark Library
Critical Algorithm Studies: a Reading List
This list is an attempt to collect and categorize a growing critical literature on algorithms as social concerns. The work included spans sociology, anthropology, science and technology studies, ge…
Startup Ideas powered by OpenAI
Ideas AI is an A.I. that generates startup ideas using GPT-3 by OpenAI
Teacher - Data & Digital Leadership workshops (part-time)
Decoded | UK & Worldwide
Everyday Experiments
How will tomorrow’s technologies redefine the way we live at home?
Are You You?
Can you fool face recognition technology by making funny faces? Try it yourself in this game of facial gymnastics.
Audio Metaphor Audio File Segmentation and Classification Demonstration
The Open Garden
The Open Garden from Identity 2.0 is an online festival exploring the relationship between race and tech.
Apply to The Terraforming by November 7
New Education Program of Strelka Institute | Moscow
Jake Elwes - Latent Space
Talk to Me! — How (Should) Humans and AI Talk with Each Other
From Internet Society's FACETS CONFERENCE 2017, an array of talks on how humans and AI should talk with one another, followed by a panel discussion. This video contains the following talks: [1:22] Melanie Hoff on bots that are narrow and full (the range of bots and what can be considered a minimum viable bot) and how we view and reflect on our understanding of these bots; [16:10] Francis Tseng on if bots can be empathetic to humans and if so, would we want them to be?; [29:25] Allison Parrish on how bots are extensions of people; [43:35] and Judith Donath on our perceptions of machines as thinking.
Stitch Fix Algorithms Tour
How data science is woven into the fabric of Stitch Fix.
Building Explainable AI Applications with Question-Driven User-Centered Design
A method you can follow to build XAI applications, developed through our research and collaboration with IBM Design for AI
Make ML Art With Google Colab: Week 1
Slides for this lecture: notes and links: https://d...
Generative Spoken Language Modelling (GSLM) · pytorch/fairseq · GitHub
The Zizi Show - A Deepfake Drag Cabaret
Drag Queens, Drag Kings, Drag Things and Artificial Intelligence... The Zizi Show (2020) is a deepfake drag cabaret, a virtual online stage hosting a groundbreaking new show with a twist. It features acts that have been constructed using deepfake technology, learning how to do drag by watching a diverse group of human performers. The Zizi Show dissects one of the dominant myths about AI, the notion that 'an AI' is a thing we might mistake for a person.
Open Calls & Calls for Tenders
Creative Practices For Transformational Futures
Imagining Intercitizenships: Call for proposals
IAM Weekend 21 | Barcelona & Remote
This Olesya Does Not Exist
AI generated selfies of Olesya by Olesya. ☾ *✧. @monolesan
Learn All About Bad Labels & Introduction on
Even famous datasets have bad labels in them. You can see plenty of examples by going to The site hosts many examples of bad labels in very popular benchmark datasets. These datasets include MNIST, Amazon Reviews, IMDB Reviews, QuickDraw and CIFAR. The website is part of a research
The role of design in creating experiences of future distributed intelligent systems by Agnieszka Zimolag
The ethics, data, privacy and complexity are not only presenting the
constraints for the development and design of the intelligent systems but also
open up a space for new modes of thinking. Through real-life examples, I’ll
discuss how designers can reimagine the goals and focus on the unique
attributes, potentials of the evolving nature of the emerging intelligent systems
as well as its implications on the society and the individuals.
Becoming an AI-first product leader
Join Tomer Cohen for an in-depth discussion in this video, Becoming an AI-first product leader, part of Becoming an AI-First Product Leader.
Computer Scientist Explains Machine Learning in 5 Levels of Difficulty
WIRED has challenged computer scientist and Hidden Door cofounder and CEO Hilary Mason to explain machine learning to 5 different people; a child, teen, a college student, a grad student and an expert.
Technology and Power Curriculum — The Radical AI Podcast
This course examines the interactions of technology and power, in particular, how technology enforces and extends both state and privatized forms of power.
Philosophy of Technology - University of Twente
Learn about the impact of technology on society. Explore the philosophy of technology and mediation theory, focused on design.
IAM Weekend | Reimagining the digital economy for sustainable futures
The annual conference where responsible tech, digital design, media innovation and internet cultures meet to rethink the internet(s). Join us for IAM Weekend 21 from November 11-13 in Barcelona or November 11-18 from home to imagine intercitizenships.
NextRise 2021 Online Conference - Microsoft (Kor Sub)
NextRise 2021, Seoul Online ConferenceCategory : ESGTopic : Design Responsibly: Creating AI products with the Human + AI design guidelinesSpeakers : Ruth kik...
Now That Machines Can Learn, Can They Unlearn?
By Tom Simonite (WIRED) | Privacy concerns about AI systems are growing. So researchers are testing whether they can remove sensitive data without retraining the system from scratch.
Prompt Engineering: The Career of Future
With the No-Code revolution around the corner, and the coming of new-age technologies like GPT-3 we may see a stark difference between the…
Alexandra Mihai on LinkedIn: #designers #ux #hiring
📣 I am looking for a Product Designer to join *my* team at UiPath. This person will work veeery...