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A curated list of awesome Human-AI Interaction. Contribute to bwang514/awesome-HAI development by creating an account on GitHub.
Learn Artificial Neural Networks on Brilliant
Learn Artificial Neural Networks on Brilliant
This interactive course dives into the fundamentals of artificial neural networks, from the basic frameworks to more modern techniques like adversarial models. You’ll answer questions such as how a computer can distinguish between pictures of dogs and cats, and how it can learn to play great chess. Using inspiration from the human brain and some linear algebra, you’ll gain an intuition for why these models work – not just a collection of formulas. This course is ideal for students and professionals seeking a fundamental understanding of neural networks, or brushing up on basics.
Learn Artificial Neural Networks on Brilliant
Reading List for Machine Learning sources, API's, ideas and tutorials. - HR-CMGT/Machine-Learning-Readinglist
Designing AI products
Designing AI products
A compilation of best practices for designers, managers and HCI practitioners to build human-centred AI products.
Designing AI products
AI for Everyone | DeepLearning.AI
AI for Everyone | DeepLearning.AI
AI is not only for engineers. “AI for Everyone”, a non-technical course, will help you understand AI technologies and spot opportunities to apply AI to problems in your own organization. You will see examples of what today’s AI can – and cannot – do. Finally, you will understand how AI is impacting society and how to navigate through this technological change.
AI for Everyone | DeepLearning.AI
Enterprise Design Thinking - AI_Essentials Course
Enterprise Design Thinking - AI_Essentials Course
Learn IBM’s AI Essentials Framework from experts, see an example in practice, and gather the resources you need to get started on your own project today.
Enterprise Design Thinking - AI_Essentials Course
AI Explorables | PAIR
AI Explorables | PAIR
People + AI Research (PAIR) is a multidisciplinary team at Google that explores the human side of AI.
AI Explorables | PAIR
Machine Learning Scientist with Python Track | DataCamp
Machine Learning Scientist with Python Track | DataCamp
Master the essential skills to land a job as a machine learning scientist! You'll augment your Python programming skill set with the toolbox to perform supervised, unsupervised, and deep learning. You'll learn how to process data for features, train your models, assess performance, and tune parameters for better performance. In the process, you'll get an introduction to natural language processing, image processing, and popular libraries such as Spark and Keras.
Machine Learning Scientist with Python Track | DataCamp
Making neural nets uncool again
Become an AI Product Manager - Nanodegree
Become an AI Product Manager - Nanodegree
Learn to develop AI products that deliver business value. Build skills that help you compete in the new AI-powered world. Learn online, with Udacity.
Become an AI Product Manager - Nanodegree
Transforming the User Experience through Artificial Intelligence | Stanford Online
Transforming the User Experience through Artificial Intelligence | Stanford Online
How do we design AI systems that augment and empower people? This course connects human-computer interaction (HCI), the multidisciplinary field that focuses on designing interactions between humans and technology, to the transformative effects of AI so that you can better serve your customers and drive your company forward. You’ll learn to make informed decisions on how and when our company should be designing smart and AI-based products to change how you work, learn and communicate.
Transforming the User Experience through Artificial Intelligence | Stanford Online
MOOC: AI in Practice - Applying AI | TU Delft Online
MOOC: AI in Practice - Applying AI | TU Delft Online
Learn about the implementation and practical aspects of Artificial Intelligence and how to write a plan for applying AI in your own organization in a step-by-step manner.
MOOC: AI in Practice - Applying AI | TU Delft Online
Machine Learning for Art
Machine Learning for Art
ml4a is a collection of tools and educational resources which apply techniques from machine learning to arts and creativity.
Machine Learning for Art
Practical Data Ethics
Practical Data Ethics
Free, online course from and USF Data Institute covering disinformation, bias & fairness, ethical foundations, practical tools, privacy & surveillance, the silicon valley ecosystem, and algorithmic colonialism
Practical Data Ethics
The Neural Network Zoo - The Asimov Institute
The Neural Network Zoo - The Asimov Institute
With new neural network architectures popping up every now and then, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Knowing all the abbreviations being thrown around (DCIGN, BiLSTM, DCGAN, anyone?) can be a bit overwhelming at first. So I decided to compose a cheat sheet containing many of those architectures. Most of these are neural networks, some are completely […]
The Neural Network Zoo - The Asimov Institute
Lingua Franca: A Design Language for Human-Centered AI
Lingua Franca: A Design Language for Human-Centered AI
Lingua Franca is a design language for human-centered AI - a set of guidelines that apply to any Artificial Intelligence (AI) product, tool, service, or experience, to bring coherence and fluidity to otherwise complex and messy technologies.
Lingua Franca: A Design Language for Human-Centered AI
Machine Learning + Design
Machine Learning + Design
A collection of resources for intersection of design, user experience, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Machine Learning + Design
Ethical AI | AI Ethicist
Ethical AI | AI Ethicist is a global repository of research and initiatives to support advocacy and knowledge relevant to Ethics, Ethical AI, AI Governance, Explainability, AI Principles, AI National Strategies.
Ethical AI | AI Ethicist
Ai +
Ai +
# build your AI skills: beginner to expert;
Ai +
A free online course - Elements of AI
A free online course - Elements of AI
Elements of AI is a massive open online course teaching the basics of artificial intelligence. The course, originally launched in 2018, is designed and organized by the University of Helsinki and technology company Reaktor
A free online course - Elements of AI
Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists
Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists
In this course, students will learn fundamental machine learning techniques that can be used to make sense of human gesture, musical audio, and other real-time data. The focus will be on learning about algorithms, software tools, and best practices that can be immediately employed in creating new real-time systems in the arts.
Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists