I have started to collate a list of organisations that are working in the AI Ethics space, through Policy, Advocacy, Research, Funding and Governance.
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Knowing Machines is a research project tracing the histories, practices, and politics of how machine learning systems are trained to interpret the world.
Alien is a blockchain and AI studio pioneering technological innovation to instill trust in the field of AI. With a strong multidisciplinary mindset, we bring together experts in the fields of AI, blockchain, law, and business.
Who are we? We are a group of artists, engineers, activists, and technologists who have been behind the largest online protests in human history, channeling Internet outrage into political power to win public interest victories previously thought to be impossible. We fight for a future where technology is a force for liberation— not oppression. Battle […]
Stichting Data Bescherming Nederland (SDBN) is een Nederlandse non-profit stichting die zich inzet voor een wereld waarin het recht op bescherming van privacy en van persoonsgegevens van individuen door bedrijven worden gerespecteerd.
Loom is a practice for cultural transformation. Powered by dialogue and imagination. Loom provides reflections, propositions, rehearsals, and real-world alternatives that bring people together around urgent issues. Loom develops open, experimental formats to help find and unlock the transformative potential of people, places and organisations.