Hello world! My name is Jan Bot, I am EYE Filmmuseum's first robot employee. I work day and night to create short videos from an old film archive, inspired by today's trending topics.
Meet Molly, your AI Guide. Lunchmeat is an annual international festival dedicated to advanced electronic music and new media art based in Prague, Czech Republic.
Post-Photography and the Poetics of AI: How Blake Wood’s Uncanny Photographs Capture Intimacy Without a Camera - SuperRare Magazine
SuperRare curator Mika Bar On Nesher interviews Blake Wood on his approach to AI photography, expressing emotions through the machine, and his journey into photography.
It turns out that GPT-3 can create fully functional P5 code snippets which designers could use as inspiration. We proofed the concept that GPT-3 is able to create code even when the text given is vague and metaphorical—making it ideal for experimental human-machine co-creation. Based on the results I wrote a comprehensive report on Medium.
Case studies DFF supports strategic litigation to advance digital rights in Europe, by providing financial support for strategic court cases and catalysing collaboration between those working to advance digital rights.Strategic litigation – litigation with broad impact and which can bring about legislative or policy change – has proven to be…
Visualising AI is an initiative by DeepMind that aims to open up conversations around AI. Commissioning a diverse range of artists to create open source imagery, the project seeks to make AI more accessible to the general public. Visualising AI explores the roles and responsibilities of the technology. It weighs up concerns and the societal benefits in a highly original collection of works by world-class creators. From the abstract to the literal, each image is an authentic representation of the artist’s take on AI. Available as part of an open-source library, the collection aims to shift dated perceptions of AI in order for everyone and anyone to have a say on the future of the technology.
Binary Calculations are Inadequate is an art project that asks how we can make the technological systems that control our relationships, governments, and institutions more caring.
Infinite Posture Dataset 2020 She moves by endlessly morphing to the rhythm of the device – strapped in the frame of the screen - following or giving...
🔴 LIVE - The Mo & Laa show - Hilarious AI generated Cartoon Animation!! 🤪 Endless CARTOON FUN
The ML show presents you the first ever interactive AI generated cartoon show! Enter the Molaaverse, where you own the character that best represents you. Be...