Computer Vision Art Gallery : CVPR 2021
Living Archive, 2019 — BEN CULLEN WILLIAMS
Dundas Square Surveillance Etude
Infinite Posture Dataset — Coralie Vogelaar
Infinite Posture Dataset 2020 She moves by endlessly morphing to the rhythm of the device – strapped in the frame of the screen - following or giving...
Body Movement Language
Kexin: Future Dance of Nostalgia
ML5 Pose Yoga
A simple website, built with Glitch. Remix it to get your own.
Editation on Violence, Part 3 (Body Movin’)
The Follower
How does this work? Recorded a selection of open cameras for weeks. Scraped all Instagram photos tagged with the locations of the open cameras. Software compares the Instagram with the recorded footage. I launched the project on 12 September 2022. The YouTube video was just created with results of 10 days. I will publish new…