Body Movement Language

Kexin: Future Dance of Nostalgia
ML5 Pose Yoga
A simple website, built with Glitch. Remix it to get your own.
Editation on Violence, Part 3 (Body Movin’)
🔴 LIVE - The Mo & Laa show - Hilarious AI generated Cartoon Animation!! 🤪 Endless CARTOON FUN
The ML show presents you the first ever interactive AI generated cartoon show! Enter the Molaaverse, where you own the character that best represents you. Be...
NeurIPS ML4CD 2021 - Gallery of Art Submissions
The Follower
How does this work? Recorded a selection of open cameras for weeks. Scraped all Instagram photos tagged with the locations of the open cameras. Software compares the Instagram with the recorded footage. I launched the project on 12 September 2022. The YouTube video was just created with results of 10 days. I will publish new…
AI generates speculative axonometric construction drawings of modern concrete houses
stephen coorlas' ‘speculations on AI and architecture' explores current technological capabilities with AI generated construction drawings.
Words, camera, action: Creating an AI music video with Unreal Engine 5
Discover how Unreal Engine was used to create a new AI-generated music video by artist collective Sagans.
Machine Room by Superposition
Commissioned by Eye Filmmuseum, and created in collaboration with Jesper Vos, Machine Room is a reenactment of the computer code that Dutch generative film artist Bart Vegter used in 2008 to generate his film De Tijd.
Yule Log 2021 (30min version with Kamuter)
I asked my friend Able aka Kamuter to help me make a longer Yule Log film with some ambient tunes. Happy Holidays!Kamuter:
Aesop Fables - AI-Driven Storytelling
Using Concept Activation Vectors to power more nuanced, visual search.
Hello world! My name is Jan Bot, I am EYE Filmmuseum's first robot employee. I work day and night to create short videos from an old film archive, inspired by today's trending topics.
Tired of books written by authors? Try books written by AI -
Explore the bookshop for printed paperback books entirely generated by Artificial Intelligence, from cover photos to reviews to book descriptions.
What would RBG (probably) say?
An AI experiment: Ask Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to make a decision about any question your heart desires. The first AI Drop from AI21 Labs.
Magdalena Bay - Dreamcatching (Official Video)
Our debut album “Mercurial World” is out now via Luminelle.Get the album on digital and physical here: ...
R. Markovic
This Project is an attempt to use deep learning as a tool to question human representation. Human faces and their humanist understanding of the “natural”…
Borrowed Limbs
In this experimental film, the AI protagonist utilizes the human body as a sensing device to gain an embodied understanding of its environment. A result of consequent…
Digital Folktales — Fabian Mosele
A collection of tales from internet folklore, generated with VQGAN+CLIP and GPT-3
DALLE-2 Dreams of Haikus explores the expressive abilities of AI and its potential to impact the boundaries of human imagination.
Small Talk, Big Questions
Wannabe DAOs: What GPT-3 Thinks About Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
This essay was written in collaboration with GPT-3. I provided the initial paragraph and served as the editor, GPT-3 did most of the thinking. Many people are writing about DAOs, but I wanted to read what a non-person had to say about them. It was originally published on and minted a
Amorphous Butterfly
The Ambiguity — mrwenchen | visual communicator
The Ambiguity ︎ Date: May, 2021 ︎ Catergory: Generative Design, Machine Learning (GANs), Print ︎ Format: Interactive website & printed...
The Mid Century Graphics of IBM - Design Reviewed
They were many other designs who played an important role in IBM's graphic identity and implementation. Some of the other designers included Arthur Boden, Clarence Lee, Charles Keddie and Mary Beresford.
MozartNet | This AI Does Not Exist
This AI Does Not Exist generates realistic descriptions and code snippets of machine learning models given a made-up name.
AI Art by Jesse Woolston
At the NVIDIA AI Playground
Jake Elwes - Zizi
Uncanny Valley of Breath — Ant Nevin