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Scalable Leadership Coaching | Optify
Scalable Leadership Coaching | Optify
Leadership is a Thing By Pam Krulitz I began leadership coaching sixteen years ago and one of the things I’ve most appreciated about that longevity is the chance to see how clients I worked with years ago have continued to evolve and grow in their careers and as leaders. I recently caught up with […]
Scalable Leadership Coaching | Optify
Connect then Lead: How to Get Influence and Use It
Connect then Lead: How to Get Influence and Use It
As a leader, is it better to be loved or feared? Research shows that likeability and respect are both important, but first establishing warmth is the most effective way to influence others, and few effective leaders are disliked by those they lead. In this interactive HBR webinar Amy Cuddy and John Neffinger, co-authors of the […]
Connect then Lead: How to Get Influence and Use It
Michael C. Bush: This is what makes employees happy at work | TED Talk
Michael C. Bush: This is what makes employees happy at work | TED Talk
There are three billion working people on this planet, and only 40 percent of them report being happy at work. Michael C. Bush shares his insights into what makes workers unhappy -- and how companies can benefit their bottom lines by fostering satisfaction.
Michael C. Bush: This is what makes employees happy at work | TED Talk
The Five Messages Leaders Must Manage
The Five Messages Leaders Must Manage
All too often, leaders fail to explain what they mean when they talk about organizational structure, financial results, their own jobs, time management, and corporate culture. Left unclear, these concepts can throw a firm into turmoil—but when given proper focus, they confer extraordinary leverage.
The Five Messages Leaders Must Manage
Episode 3: Boldly Go Like Yuri Gagarin — The Happiness Lab
Episode 3: Boldly Go Like Yuri Gagarin — The Happiness Lab
Space crews, athletes and pop stars all indulge in strange rituals before moments of high stress. It's easy to mock these behaviours - indeed even the people who practise them often admit they're a bit weird - but they can act like performance enhancing drugs. Dr Laurie Santos looks at the research
Episode 3: Boldly Go Like Yuri Gagarin — The Happiness Lab
How to Manage Managers: Six Revelations for First Time Senior Managers - Ivy Exec Blog
How to Manage Managers: Six Revelations for First Time Senior Managers - Ivy Exec Blog
Have you ever been promoted for excelling at something, only to find your performance suddenly faltering? This was the case for Sana after her promotion to a role as a senior manager responsible for managers rather than directly overseeing a team. There are substantive differences in how you manage individual contributors and how you manage … Continued
How to Manage Managers: Six Revelations for First Time Senior Managers - Ivy Exec Blog
Eduardo Briceño: How to get better at the things you care about | TED Talk
Eduardo Briceño: How to get better at the things you care about | TED Talk
Working hard but not improving? You're not alone. Eduardo Briceño reveals a simple way to think about getting better at the things you do, whether that's work, parenting or creative hobbies. And he shares some useful techniques so you can keep learning and always feel like you're moving forward.
Eduardo Briceño: How to get better at the things you care about | TED Talk
Baratunde Thurston: How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time | TED Talk
Baratunde Thurston: How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time | TED Talk
Baratunde Thurston explores the phenomenon of white Americans calling the police on black Americans who have committed the crimes of ... eating, walking or generally "living while black." In this profound, thought-provoking and often hilarious talk, he reveals the power of language to change stories of trauma into stories of healing -- while challenging us all to level up.
Baratunde Thurston: How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time | TED Talk
Episode 8: "I'm being promoted to be a manager, but nobody is telling me how to do it!"
Episode 8: "I'm being promoted to be a manager, but nobody is telling me how to do it!"
In today's Sunday Soother advicecast, Catherine is taking a question from a reader who wants to be a good manager but isn't quite sure where to start.The Sunday Soother Advicecast is a spin-off the popular newsletter, The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that helps reader access their spirituality and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews. Submit your questions anonymously at this link; email your question to Catherine here; or leave a voicemail with your question at (202) 525-6558.Resources mentioned in this...
Episode 8: "I'm being promoted to be a manager, but nobody is telling me how to do it!"