Diversity Recruiting Efforts Won’t Significantly Improve Until We Address These 2 Barriers | LinkedIn Talent Blog
Listen, I support diversity, but I gotta get this sales position filled asap — it’s killing me to have this territory uncovered.” — Sales Hiring Manager
Diversity Isn't Enough: Cultivating a Sense of Belonging at Work
Leaders from Citigroup, Zillow and Blackbird Global shared their progress toward cultivating a sense of belonging in their firms at a recent Wharton event.
The Four Tendencies Quiz - The Four Tendencies Quiz
One of the daily challenges of life is: “How do I get people—including myself—to do what I want?” The Four Tendencies framework makes this task much easier by revealing whether a person is an Upholder, Questioner, Obliger, or Rebel.
As we become more aware and attuned, we are bound to make mistakes – which means in various scenarios we may cause harm or be harmed. Our fear of this can force us to retreat from tough conversations or important moments of learning. But suppose we can equip ourselves with tools for navigating chall
Coaching and Therapy: What's right for me? | Topknot
People engage in personal development for different reasons. Sometimes the journey starts with a desire to overcome challenges. Other times there is a focus on reaching goals. For some, it’s about getting in touch with the self in a deeper way. Regardless of what brings a person to want to invest in their unique journey of development, often we turn to experts to guide the way. In seeking out support, it’s not uncommon to look at therapy and coaching and wonder: Which one is right for me?
Leadership is a Thing By Pam Krulitz I began leadership coaching sixteen years ago and one of the things I’ve most appreciated about that longevity is the chance to see how clients I worked with years ago have continued to evolve and grow in their careers and as leaders. I recently caught up with […]
The Eisenhower Matrix: Introduction & 3-Minute Video Tutorial
The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as Urgent-Important Matrix, is a decision making principle and productivity tool that helps prioritize your many tasks.
For a long time Michael Harris convinced himself that a childhood spent immersed in old-fashioned books would insulate him from our new media climate, but he was wrong
Resilience Theory: What Research Articles in Psychology Teach Us (+PDF)
When we face adversity, misfortune, or frustration resilience helps us bounce back. But that’s not all. Learn about Resilience Theory in a little more depth