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IҶe Got A Whole New Respect For Whales After Seeing Their Huge, Floating Placenta
IҶe Got A Whole New Respect For Whales After Seeing Their Huge, Floating Placenta
Yҡll. I bet youҶe never even considered what a humpback whaleҳ placenta might look like. I know it had never crossed my mind until today. Some (lucky?) customers of Blue Bay Whale Watching in Australia got to see one up close and personal on a whale watching tour. Can you imagine? YouҲe scanning the horizon [ŝThe post IҶe Got A Whole New Respect For Whales After Seeing Their Huge, Floating Placenta appeared first on Scary Mommy source source
IҶe Got A Whole New Respect For Whales After Seeing Their Huge, Floating Placenta