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CodeMonkey is a fun online game that teaches you how to code. Real world programming language. Write code. Catch bananas. Save the world.
Scratch VRvex Maze Pupil Code
Scratch VRvex Maze Pupil Code
Scratch Virtual Reality Activity Pack What will you need? The VRVex website. It is free to use and works on all devices. What will you learn?– Program a virtual robot to sense an object (a wall), move and turn to navigate a maze. 1. Program a virtual robot to sense a wall in a maze Use the VRVex website to […]
Scratch VRvex Maze Pupil Code
Scratch Maze Pupil Code
Scratch Maze Pupil Code
Introduction tutorial Scratch Maze Activity Pack What will you need? The Scratch website. It is free to use and works on all devices. What will you learn?Program a maze game with:– Keyboard or touch screen inputs for controlling a sprite.– Selection (conditions) and sensing for interaction and game-play.– Data variables for scoring.– Game timer. 1. Add keyboard inputsWatch […]
Scratch Maze Pupil Code
Little Dot Adventure
Little Dot Adventure
Pick a card, guess the rules and progress through the world !
Little Dot Adventure