Y6 The Digital World
Year 6 Computing
Play Blooket | Blooket
Join a game of Blooket to answer questions and compete in a fierce clash to determine who is the best and what Blook will come out victorious.
Phishing. - Spot the Traitors in Your Inbox
Check out what I made
I wrote the code myself with Code.org
Year 6 - Computing Challenge
Check out this Presentation designed by Alex Gainer.
Bitsbox: a new way to introduce kids to computer programming
A code.org featured activity, Bitsbox provides monthly projects that teach gradeschoolers how to program apps. Try it now for free at Bitsbox.com.
Compute It
Let's switch roles: this time YOU are the computer !
Code Monster from Crunchzilla
Code Monster gets kids excited about programming. It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code.
Banana-Tales | CodeMonkey
One hour of banana tales Teach Python by Helping a Baby Monkey sign up for free Save and view students progress,get access to solutions and lesson plans start playing Log-in not required Teach Student
Little Dot Adventure
Pick a card, guess the rules and progress through the world !
Kid.js | Create a Plinko Game Using JavaScript
Build a virtual Plinko game and discover JavaScript basics. Learn about functions, variables, for loops, and mouse events as you drop chips and watch them bounce around!
6H TinkerCad
6N Tinkercad
6S TinkerCad
AI L2 5/6
Check out this Website designed by Alex Gainer.
Mr Gainer
Check out this Website designed by Alex Gainer.
Making good choices online
How to Make a Jumping Game in Scratch | Tu... - SafeShare
In this tutorial, you can learn how to make a game in Scratch -- a game where a character jumps over moving obstacles...
Choose a role | Discovery Education
CodeGuppy | Code Editor
Classroom login | Tinkercad
CoSpaces Edu for kid-friendly 3D creation and coding
Boost your kids' learning experience by letting them invent, build and code their own creations. Runs on mobile, tablet and desktop, including Chromebooks.
Classroom login | Tinkercad
Cracking codes - Lesson 1.xlsx
London day out.xlsx
Data Handling - Year 6 - To Send.xlsx