I was able to find an explanation of what emotional dysregulation entails in one of the articles:
That dysregulation can look different from person to person. Karalunas’s work suggests there are two common presentations in children with ADHD. Kids in an “irritable” subtype have higher levels of anger, sadness, and fear. Those in the “surgent” subtype display a kind of emotional impulsivity and overexuberance (Psychological Assessment, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2019). While children with combined ADHD are unsurprisingly more likely than those with inattentive ADHD to fall into the surgent group, all three subtypes are at increased risk of dysregulation, Karalunas said. “The irritable children have a short fuse. They get upset about small things, and take a long time to let it go,” she added. “Surgent children’s excitement can overwhelm their thinking and lead them to act without thinking about the consequences.”