
Instructional Design Resources
Visual Hierarchy
How to make strong designs using principles of visual hierarchy.
How to make strong designs by aligning elements.
All about font.
Visual Design Principles: Color
This video covers best practices for using color.
Visual design principles
Foundational visual design principles for instructional design.
Hacking the LMS Examples | CodePen Collection | Amy Spielmaker
This CodePen collection has several example code snippets you can take and use anywhere you can add custom code.
Instructional Design Rubric
Detailed descriptions of standards for online courses. Originally devloped for students in ASTE 7090: Instructional Design for Distance Education, a graduate-level course taught at Utah State University by Amy Spielmaker.
Course Organization | Remote and Online Teaching Webinar
Improve your online course with these three course organization tips.
Optimal Living Salem
Disclosure: I did this site. But it's one of my favorites.
Building a Community of Learners via Online Discussions
I created this for a presentation on online discussions at NWeLearn 2019. I was inspired by a Canva template from Slide Carnival.
What factors affect food production?
I created these Google Slides as part of a "Food Systems" topic in HE 257 (Health Promotion), a gen ed that every student at WOU takes.