Rhode Island Farm Bureau
Visual Design
Visual Hierarchy
How to make strong designs using principles of visual hierarchy.
How to make strong designs by aligning elements.
All about font.
The Non-Designer's Design Book
Excellent foundational book on design.
Visual Design Principles: Color
This video covers best practices for using color.
Coolors – Color Palette Generator
Generate or browse color combinations.
Color wheel, a color palette generator | Adobe Color
Visual design principles
Foundational visual design principles for instructional design.
OAI+ – Your Teaching Resource at PSU
Excellent resource-type site.
Ethanol "Problems"
Mostly bad headings and text (misleading)
Created Life Strategies
Subscription form at the bottom is near impossible to use.
Animal Production and Human Health (FAO)
Online College Students Report
Oscar | Health insurance that actually works for you
HLC Resource Guide
2022 International Science Report
Title IX Flyer
Alcohol Drink Chart OccuHealth Solutions
SATF Comprehensive Prevention Toolkit V2.0
Respect Women: Preventing Violence Against Women
This was obviously created by a design agency.
Space, Responsive Premium Moodle Theme
This theme isn't perfect, but there are some good ideas here.
Course Organization | Remote and Online Teaching Webinar
Improve your online course with these three course organization tips.
ORG 300: Module 1: Leadership Basics
This isn't all that exciting of a page, but they've implemented a few principles of good design, namely nesting.
Camp Cody
This site has a LOT of information. I think they do a good job of chunking out the content so it's manageable for different users.
Adaptive eLearning
This is a "case study" from a design firm about a progressive web app created for McGraw Hill.
ADDIE for Instructional Design
Web 2.0 Wiki
Mangroves Eco Poster
Why it's good: (1) The semi-transparent overlays on the left help the text stand out. And since the overlays are colored to match the background, they don’t look too stark. (2) The colors in the design match the logo, which helps tie the two pieces together. (3) Artfully-done gradient adds some perspective to this flat design.