Visual Design
Visual Hierarchy
How to make strong designs using principles of visual hierarchy.
How to make strong designs by aligning elements.
All about font.
Visual Design Principles: Color
This video covers best practices for using color.
Visual design principles
Foundational visual design principles for instructional design.
Course Organization | Remote and Online Teaching Webinar
Improve your online course with these three course organization tips.
Optimal Living Salem
Disclosure: I did this site. But it's one of my favorites.
Building a Community of Learners via Online Discussions
I created this for a presentation on online discussions at NWeLearn 2019. I was inspired by a Canva template from Slide Carnival.
What factors affect food production?
I created these Google Slides as part of a "Food Systems" topic in HE 257 (Health Promotion), a gen ed that every student at WOU takes.