Rhode Island Farm Bureau
Visual Design
Visual Hierarchy
How to make strong designs using principles of visual hierarchy.
How to make strong designs by aligning elements.
All about font.
Visual Design Principles: Color
This video covers best practices for using color.
Coolors – Color Palette Generator
Generate or browse color combinations.
Color wheel, a color palette generator | Adobe Color
Adaptive eLearning
This is a "case study" from a design firm about a progressive web app created for McGraw Hill.
The Non-Designer's Design Book
Excellent foundational book on design.
POLSC 101: Introduction to Political Science
A MOOC from Saylor Academy. It could be more user-friendly (shorter paragraphs, shorter sentences, more informal language), but overall is decent.
Instructional Evaluation Service Course
This is an OER course on instruction design that, appropriately, is a reasonably good example of instructional design. I say reasonably because it could be better in terms of visual design and wayfinding.
Build a Healthy Plate
Designing and Teaching for Impact in Online Courses
This course could be a more visually effective, but on balance it's a decent example of ID principles like chunking content, checking for knowledge, and accessibility. BONUS: Lots of good ID info in the course itself.
Mapping Nuclear Verification
Jinsha River Basin
Kick My Habits. How Much Could You Save?
An interactive "game" that shows savings from avoiding habits like smoking and eating out.
The ABC’s of Living a Healthy Life
Good example of keeping each slide simple. Also good example of consistent style through graphics and type.
Column and Veil
As a website, this is a little annoying (you have to click on all the items before you can proceed). But there are some good ideas for learning design.
Interactive poverty simulation.
Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research: Ducks Unlimited
Check out the ducks move as you scroll down!
The Global Goals
Year End Annual Report Template
Venngage template.
3 Storytelling Tips
How To Fight A Bear
A very well done simulation that teaches you what to do if you encounter a bear.
Building a Community of Learners via Online Discussions
I created this for a presentation on online discussions at NWeLearn 2019. I was inspired by a Canva template from Slide Carnival.
What factors affect food production?
I created these Google Slides as part of a "Food Systems" topic in HE 257 (Health Promotion), a gen ed that every student at WOU takes.
Palamon Google Slides Template
From Slides Carnival. Good if you have big images with lots of copy space.
Lodovico Google Slides Template
From Slide Carnival.
Animal Production and Human Health (FAO)