Certification Exams

#Engine #cbt #CBT
Exam Engine Application Software For iOS Mobiles
Exam Engine Application Software For iOS Mobiles
Compatible with Apple IOS, the Exam Engine works in conjunction with author module. The author module enables inputting the required questions and answers by the author(s). The detailed help provides step-by-step procedure on using the author module and the test engine. The exam engine allows a candidate to take the test.
Exam Engine Application Software For iOS Mobiles
CBT Author Engine
CBT Author Engine
SimExams.com introduces offline Computer Based Test software author engine,The author engine is free to download and use. Any number of tests may be created using author engine. There is no limit on the number of questions in a particular test. The Author Engine enables an author to perform several activities including Creating, editing, and/or deleting a test/Groups and Candidate profiles, Questions.
CBT Author Engine