Certification Exams

#exam #ccna
CCNP - Cisco Certified Network Professional
CCNP - Cisco Certified Network Professional
CCNP, short for aCisco Certified Network Professional, is an advanced certification, offered by Cisco Systems. The certification is further divided into three parts, namely, CCNP Route, CCNP Switch, and CCNP TSHOOT. On successful completion of the three part exams, one will be awarded CCNP certification. The certification is valid for a period of 3 years, and one needs to recertify before the expiry of 3 year period to receive the benefits of certification. CCNA is the qualifying certification that one needs to have for appearing for CCNP exams.
CCNP - Cisco Certified Network Professional
CCNA Certification
CCNA Certification
CCNA, short for Cisco Certified Network Associate, is the most widely known certification in the area of computer networking on the Internet. The certification is fofered by Cisco, on passing single exam, namely CCNA or two exams, namely CCENT and INCD2. The two exam path is recommended for candidates preparing for networking certs as a fresher, without having any relevant industrial experience. If you have already worked or working in networking, single exam path is recommended. Check out the website for complete details.
CCNA Certification
CCNA Exam Cram
CCNA Exam Cram
Provides some of the cram notes pages available for Cisco Certified Network Associate exam. The cram notes is useful for quick review of important topics prior to the exam. Check out the free pdf cram notes on tcpip, access lists, and cisco ios.
CCNA Exam Cram
Cisco Certification Exams - CCNA, CCENT, ICND, and CCNP
Cisco Certification Exams - CCNA, CCENT, ICND, and CCNP
Offers exam simulators for Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Cisco Certified Entry Network Associate, Interconnecting Network Devices, and Cisco Certified Network Professional certs. Question types include multiple choice, drag and drop, simulations, and scenarios. Free exam cram notes is available for Cisco CCNA and Comptia A+ and Network+.
Cisco Certification Exams - CCNA, CCENT, ICND, and CCNP
CertExams.com - Exam simulators for IT certs and network simulators
CertExams.com - Exam simulators for IT certs and network simulators
Provides exam simulators for Cisco CCENT, CCNA, comptia A+, Network+, Server+, Juniper JNICA, and others. Network simulators for Juniper JNCIA and Cisco CCNA are available. The exam engine supports simlet and testlet type of questions with lab scenario examples.
CertExams.com - Exam simulators for IT certs and network simulators