The page provides help on navigating the CCNA Network simulator through various sections, such as designing your own labs, configuring the lab exercises, exporting the designed labs to the simulator, and troubleshooting the same.
CCNA Network Simulator, offered by is one of most sought after network simulator for candidates preparing for CCNA certification or just those attempting to learn computer networking...
Offers CCNA networking labs for virual practice. The network simulator labs include RIPv2 and OSPF configuration, BGP configuraiton, and vlan troubleshooting, vtp and standby setup, CDP show commands, port security configuration, STP configuration and troubleshooting. Check out the product page for complete list of available labs.
Juniper netsim for JNCIA is a virtual networking software and uses virtual routers and switches for practice. The software is useful for hands on practice in a virtual environment without having to purchase actual physical networking equipment. Dozens of labs are usually provided for beginners, and the advanced users can develop their own junos labs.
Provides network simulators for Cisco Certified network Associate, and Juniper JNCIA. Lab simulators for Comptia aplus and network plus are available. Hundreds of lab exercises for thorough preparation. The netsims are software based and works in a virtual environment, and no real networking devices are necessary.