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Linux hosting Advantages
Linux hosting Advantages
Linux/Unix operating systems has traditionally been believed to be very stable and robust. A web site housed on a Linux operating system will have very high up-time (of the order of 99.9%). Of course, other factors such as power supply, network admin skills, and network load etc. also matter when it comes to maintaining the system uptime.
Linux hosting Advantages
Website Usability Accessibility Check
Website Usability Accessibility Check
Website usability and accessibility are two important factors from user point of view. The web page describes various points that enable web usability and accessibility. Some web usability techniques include proper titles, font size and styles, working hyperlinks, and alt image texts.
Website Usability Accessibility Check
Web Promotion Guide
Web Promotion Guide
Provides various tips and guidelines for promoting your website. These include search engine submissions, social site submission, directory submission, and other means. Website promotion is vital to any web based content to be found on the Internet.
Web Promotion Guide
CIW Certification
CIW Certification
CIW, short for Certified Internet Webmaster, is offered by Prosoft Systems. The certification is available in various levels, including Associate, Professional and Expert levels. The associate level cert is called CIWA (Certified Internet webmaster Associate) and is a widely known certificate in the area of web design and development using html, xhtml, CSS, XML, XLS, and XLST. CIW skill areas include Web Foundation Series, Web & Mobile Design Series, Web Development Series, and Web Security Series. Check out the article for more information.
CIW Certification