

Serverless Architectures
Serverless Architectures
Serverless architectures replace a managed server with a collection of third party services and FaaS
Serverless Architectures
Smells to Refactorings Cheatsheet
Smells to Refactorings Cheatsheet
Smells to Refactorings Cheatsheet (.pdf) We developed this handy cheat sheet as a teaching aid while teaching our Refactoring Challenge Activity. You'll find a table that maps code smells to their likely refactorings with corresponding page references to source material contained in the books Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler and […]
Smells to Refactorings Cheatsheet
Rules, by Sandi Metz
Rules, by Sandi Metz
A talk from Barcelona Ruby Conference 2013 (http://baruco.org) We're iconoclasts who reject arbitrary constraints yet long for understandable, predictable, c...
Rules, by Sandi Metz
Amazon Aurora – Relational Database Built for the Cloud
Amazon Aurora – Relational Database Built for the Cloud
Learn how Amazon Aurora combines the performance and availability of commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. Compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Amazon Aurora – Relational Database Built for the Cloud
ActiveRecord vs Sequel Performance
ActiveRecord vs Sequel Performance
I ran some benchmarking tests to evaluate the performance difference, if any, between ActiveRecord and Sequel ORM’s - two common ORM’s in the Ruby world. I m...
ActiveRecord vs Sequel Performance