

100ms to Glass with Rails and Turbolinks
100ms to Glass with Rails and Turbolinks
Is Rails dead? Can the old Ruby web framework no longer keep up in this age of "native-like" performance? Turbolinks provides one solution.
100ms to Glass with Rails and Turbolinks
Ruby Weekly
Ruby Weekly
A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.
Ruby Weekly
Rails Database Best Practices
Rails Database Best Practices
Working on an oldish Rails project, I came across some smelly ActiveRecord code that begged for some refactoring love. I also spent some time speeding up pages with slow/many database calls. Betwee…
Rails Database Best Practices
New Feature on Rails 5.2: Redis Cache Store
New Feature on Rails 5.2: Redis Cache Store
Redis Cache Store is a new feature on Rails 5.2 although support for caching in Rails has been around for some time. A few cache stores already exist like MemCacheStore, FileStore, and MemoryStore. You can also use a custom store so no doubt some people are already using Redis as a cache store.
New Feature on Rails 5.2: Redis Cache Store
Fragment Caching with Rails 5.1
Fragment Caching with Rails 5.1
Of the three Rails caching mechanisms fragment caching is often the lowest hanging fruit. Let me show you how to use it.
Fragment Caching with Rails 5.1
Работаем С Таймзонами Правильно
Работаем С Таймзонами Правильно
Эта статья рассказывает о проблемах, которые поджидают программиста, работающего с часовыми поясами. В теории, вроде, всё хорошо, просто и понятно, но жизнь —...
Работаем С Таймзонами Правильно
Preload, Eagerload, Includes and Joins
Preload, Eagerload, Includes and Joins
ActiveRecord does a lot of magical stuff. This blog discusses how it pulls of Preload, Eagerload, Includes and Joins.
Preload, Eagerload, Includes and Joins
Rules, by Sandi Metz
Rules, by Sandi Metz
A talk from Barcelona Ruby Conference 2013 (http://baruco.org) We're iconoclasts who reject arbitrary constraints yet long for understandable, predictable, c...
Rules, by Sandi Metz