

Custom sorting
New Feature on Rails 5.2: Redis Cache Store
New Feature on Rails 5.2: Redis Cache Store
Redis Cache Store is a new feature on Rails 5.2 although support for caching in Rails has been around for some time. A few cache stores already exist like MemCacheStore, FileStore, and MemoryStore. You can also use a custom store so no doubt some people are already using Redis as a cache store.
New Feature on Rails 5.2: Redis Cache Store
Map of Computer Science
Map of Computer Science
The field of computer science summarised. Learn more at this video's sponsor https://brilliant.org/dos Computer science is the subject that studies what comp...
Map of Computer Science
Fragment Caching with Rails 5.1
Fragment Caching with Rails 5.1
Of the three Rails caching mechanisms fragment caching is often the lowest hanging fruit. Let me show you how to use it.
Fragment Caching with Rails 5.1
The Map of Mathematics
The Map of Mathematics
The entire field of mathematics summarised in a single map! This shows how pure mathematics and applied mathematics relate to each other and all of the sub-t...
The Map of Mathematics
Sleep as Android
Sleep as Android
“an alarm clock and sleep cycle tracker, wakes you gently in optimal moment for pleasant mornings” Common alarm clocks ignore your sleep cycles, they wake you on schedule no matter your are currently in your deep sleep. Waking up from deep sleep is unpleasant, it makes you tired and it may negatively affect your productivity […]
Sleep as Android
Three Distinct Mind-sets in TDD
Three Distinct Mind-sets in TDD
I have blogged about TDD before. I think that it is one of the most important tools in improving the design of our software, as well as increasing the quality of the systems that we create. TDD pro...
Three Distinct Mind-sets in TDD
Не сотвори себе авторитета. Заблуждения лауреатов Нобелевской премии.
Не сотвори себе авторитета. Заблуждения лауреатов Нобелевской премии.
Мракобесы встречаются даже среди нобелевских лауреатов. Людьми легко манипулировать, когда они слишком полагаются на мнение казалось бы очень важного человек...
Не сотвори себе авторитета. Заблуждения лауреатов Нобелевской премии.