

#愛與吸引 #639Hz
Twin Flames Reunion 432Hz & 639Hz Twin Souls Manifestation | Energetic Love & Attraction Frequency
Twin Flames Reunion 432Hz & 639Hz Twin Souls Manifestation | Energetic Love & Attraction Frequency
If you have a twin flame, it is foreseen that you will meet at some point of your life journey. Both of you will be drawn towards each other by an irresistible force of attraction and both of you will immediately experience a sense of profound recognition, just as if you have belonged to each other since the beginning of time. This encounter can create a profound and life-changing sense of all-encompassing wholeness. If you enjoy my music and would like to support me, you are welcome to subscribe to my channel 🤗💖 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hVOGj2apTeEvc49CrjQlg?sub_confirmation=1 Hit the ((🔔)) to turn on notifications and receive the latest Inner Lotus Music! Also known as “mirror soul” or “soul connection”, a twin flame is the other half of your soul. The origin of this term emanates from the thesis that a soul can split into two after ascending to a high frequency. Thereafter, the soul lands in two different bodies. Soul mates are often mistaken as being twin flames. A soul mate is someone who is made from the same kind of energy as you. But a twin flame has existed in energetic fusion with you, which is not the case for a soul mate. This puts the encounter with a twin flame entirely on another level of symbiosis. When twin flames or twin souls unite, it is for the completion of absolute Oneness. The natural frequency of 432Hz, is the frequency everything in our Universe resonates with. It is said that 8Hz is the “heartbeat” of our planet Earth. If we take 8Hz as our starting point and work upwards by five octaves, we reach a frequency of 256Hz for the note C in whose scale the note A has a frequency of 432Hz - in opposite to the so called “standard tuning” of 440Hz which is commonly used. 639 Hz is a frequency our Heart Chakra can resonate with. Our Heart Chakra is the fourth Chakra and the center of the seven Chakras with three Chakras below and three Chakras above. It is the center, the area where physical and spiritual meet. Our Heart Chakra stands for the ability to give and receive Love and forgiveness. It is the center of hope, trust, compassion and inspiration. When our Heart Chakra is open, we may feel being deeply connected, the harmonious exchange of energy with all that is around us, and the appreciation of beauty. The Solfeggio frequency of 639 Hz is also said to be a Miracle Tone. It helps balance emotions and elevate the mood. It also promotes communication, love, understanding, and brings harmony into interpersonal relationships. Music set to 639 Hz is perfect when you need a significant boost of love and positivity 🌟 I you like this meditation music, you might also resonate with my Solfeggio frequencies music playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXwfGygOmeUUyUc4dXhbrATvPt5AW4nRC For this meditation music, all instruments have been specifically and carefully tuned to 432 Hz and 639 Hz. Therefore, the meditation music in this video is an original 432Hz + 639Hz composition and has not been artificially tuned to 432 Hz + 639 Hz after completion. I am convinced that composing music in the original frequency will lead to better results when it comes to deploying the positive energy and benefits of these particular healing frequencies. Feel free to listen to this twin flames reunion 432Hz & 639 Hz twin souls manifestation | energetic love & attraction frequency meditation and sleep music with headphones at a moderate level or - if you prefer - just let it flow through open space. As long as it is positive for your body, your heart and your soul, it will be positive for you. Love and gratitude 💖🙏🏼 Pierre Note: Do not listen to music emphasizing particular frequencies if you suffer from epilepsy! If you have any concerns or other health issues you are uncertain of, please check with your medical practitioner prior to listening. Please do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutic advice and/or treatment. Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad Copyright ⓒ 2021 Inner Lotus Music ™. All rights reserved. Some elements of this video were legally purchased from shutterstock.com and storyblocks.com and re-edited in our unique artistic style. The reuse, event in parts, of any video, image and/or music from this channel is strictly prohibited ! We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use. #innerlotusmusic #twinflames #solfeggiohealingmusic twinsouls chakrahealingmusic chakrahealing 432 Hz + 639 Hz twin flames reunion, 432 hz + 639 hz twin souls manifestation and attraction, 432 hz frequency meditation and sleep music, 639 hz heart chakra frequency meditation and sleep music, 432 hz, 639 hz
Twin Flames Reunion 432Hz & 639Hz Twin Souls Manifestation | Energetic Love & Attraction Frequency
擁抱愛,增強正能量| 528 赫茲 + 639 赫茲 |西藏碗奇蹟音調冥想 - YouTube
擁抱愛,增強正能量| 528 赫茲 + 639 赫茲 |西藏碗奇蹟音調冥想 - YouTube
Embrace Love & Enhance Positive Energy | 528 Hz + 639 Hz | Tibetan Bowls Miracle Tones Meditation 擁抱愛並增強您體內和周圍的正能量!這種輕鬆的冥想音樂具有兩個西藏頌缽,並結合了 528 Hz 和 639 Hz 的視唱練耳頻率。這兩種治療頻率也被稱為“奇蹟音”,可以幫助您提升愛和積極性。 528Hz的Solfeggio頻率被稱為“奇蹟音”,是愛與自愛的頻率。它可以幫助治愈和淨化舊的負能量,激活正能量和精神能量的淨化,並用正能量取代所有的消極,從而治愈負面體驗。 528Hz 癒合頻率的一些好處是: • 它為您的生活帶來積極的轉變。 • 它誘導冥想狀態,如內心深處的平靜、精神清晰和意識。 • 提升意識並加強自愛 據說,這種神奇的音調不僅可以改善您的健康,還可以讓您心情愉快。 639 Hz 的 Solfeggio 頻率是另一個奇蹟音調。它有助於平衡情緒和提升情緒。它還促進溝通、愛、理解,並為人際關係帶來和諧。當您需要顯著提升愛和積極性時,將音樂設置為 639 Hz 是完美的選擇。 528 Hz 的 Solfeggio 頻率也與太陽神經叢脈輪相關,639 Hz 與心輪相關,您也可以將這種音樂與您的脈輪冥想一起使用。 對於這首冥想音樂,所有樂器都經過專門和精心調校到 528Hz 和 639Hz。因此,本視頻中的冥想音樂為528Hz+639Hz原創作品,完成後未人工調至528Hz+639Hz。我相信,在部署 528Hz 和 639Hz 的治愈性視唱練耳頻率的正能量和好處時,以原始頻率創作音樂會帶來更好的結果。 歡迎聆聽此《擁抱愛與增強正能量》| 528 赫茲 + 639 赫茲 |西藏碗 Miracle Tones 冥想音樂 戴上中等音量的耳機,或者 - 如果您願意 - 讓它在開放空間中流動。只要它對你的身體、你的心和你的靈魂是積極的,它就會對你產生積極的影響。 這擁抱愛| 528 赫茲 + 639 赫茲 |增強正能量|奇蹟音調西藏碗冥想音樂是用愛以奇蹟音調和 528 Hz 和 639 Hz 的視唱練耳頻率組成的。它可以用作 528 Hz + 639 Hz 正能量冥想音樂,528 Hz + 639 Hz 自愛和奇蹟音冥想音樂,528 Hz + 639 Hz 太陽神經叢脈輪和心輪冥想音樂,528 Hz + 639 Hz 睡眠音樂, 528 Hz + 639 Hz 藏碗冥想音樂,528 Hz + 639 Hz 增強正能量冥想音樂,528 Hz + 639 Hz 自愛和愛冥想音樂,作為528 Hz + 639 Hz 冥想音樂,528 Hz + 639 Hz 背景音樂以及所有受益於 528 Hz + 639 Hz 奇蹟音調和 Solfeggio 頻率冥想音樂的活動。 #innerlotusmusic #solfeggiohealingmusic #chakrahealingmusic chakrahealing 528 Hz + 639 Hz 擁抱愛,增強正能量,528 Hz + 639 Hz 西藏碗,528 Hz 奇蹟音,528 Hz 太陽神經叢脈輪,639 Hz 心輪,528 hz 528 愛自愛頻率,528 Hz + 639 Hz,528 639 Hz
擁抱愛,增強正能量| 528 赫茲 + 639 赫茲 |西藏碗奇蹟音調冥想 - YouTube
愛你內在的孩子|放下創傷和恐懼 | 639 Hz 療愈頻率冥想和睡眠音樂 - YouTube
愛你內在的孩子|放下創傷和恐懼 | 639 Hz 療愈頻率冥想和睡眠音樂 - YouTube
Love Your Inner Child | Let go of Trauma & Fear | 639 Hz Healing Frequency Meditation & Sleep Music 我們都有一個內在的孩子。這是我們“長大”的那一部分,然後我們經常忘記、壓抑和不再關注它。這種冥想音樂讓您有機會轉向內心的孩子,並給予應有的愛和感情。 一旦我們長大成人,我們內心的孩子常常被擱置一旁,因為我們認為我們已經“長大”了。但它仍然是我們不可分割的一部分,伴隨我們一生。我們內心的孩子——就像我們的成人性格一樣——面臨著日常生活。它經歷了一切積極的事情,但也經歷了我們成年後發生的一切消極的事情。但是,與成年人不同的是,它沒有訓練自己任何防禦機制,也沒有建立任何保護牆,在我們體內仍然是一個孩子:脆弱而無助。 像這個世界上的每個孩子一樣,你內心的孩子需要關注、愛、關心、保護和安慰。有時它拼命地試圖表現自己。在這樣的時刻,我們常常感到孤獨、無助、悲傷,有時甚至絕望。花時間擁抱、保護、安慰和愛你內心的孩子 = 你的內在自我 = 你自己!你會注意到你變得多麼堅強和充滿信心。 據說639Hz的治愈性視唱練耳頻率有助於平衡情緒和提升情緒。它還促進溝通、愛、理解,並為人際關係帶來和諧。當您需要顯著提升愛和積極性時,將音樂設置為639Hz是完美的 639 Hz 也是我們的心輪可以共振的頻率。我們的心輪是第四脈輪和七個脈輪的中心,下面三個脈輪,上面三個脈輪。它是中心,是身體和精神相遇的地方。我們的心輪代表給予和接受愛和寬恕的能力。它是希望、信任、同情和靈感的中心。當我們的心輪打開時,我們可能會感到與內在自我和周圍一切的和諧能量交換有著深刻的聯繫。
愛你內在的孩子|放下創傷和恐懼 | 639 Hz 療愈頻率冥想和睡眠音樂 - YouTube
雙生火焰重逢 432Hz & 639Hz 雙魂顯化 |充滿活力的愛與吸引頻率 - YouTube
雙生火焰重逢 432Hz & 639Hz 雙魂顯化 |充滿活力的愛與吸引頻率 - YouTube
Twin Flames Reunion 432Hz & 639Hz Twin Souls Manifestation | Energetic Love & Attraction Frequency 如果你有雙生火焰,可以預見你會在人生旅途的某個時刻相遇。你們兩個都會被一種不可抗拒的吸引力吸引到彼此身邊,你們會立刻體驗到一種深刻的認同感,就好像你們自古以來就屬於彼此一樣。這種相遇可以創造一種深刻的、改變生活的、包羅萬象的整體感。 也被稱為“鏡像靈魂”或“靈魂連接”,雙生火焰是你靈魂的另一半。這個術語的起源源於這樣一個論點,即靈魂在提升到高頻後可以分裂成兩個。此後,靈魂降落在兩個不同的身體中。 靈魂伴侶經常被誤認為是雙生火焰。靈魂伴侶是與你擁有相同能量的人。但是雙生火焰已經存在於與你的能量融合中,而靈魂伴侶則不是這樣。這使得與雙生火焰的相遇完全處於另一個共生層次。當雙生火焰或雙生靈魂結合在一起時,就是為了完成絕對合一。 432Hz 的自然頻率,是我們宇宙中萬物共振的頻率。據說8Hz是我們地球的“心跳”。如果我們以 8Hz 為起點並向上工作五個八度音程,我們將達到 256Hz 的音符 C 的頻率,在其音階中,音符 A 的頻率為 432Hz - 與所謂的 440Hz 的“標準調音”相反是常用的。 639 Hz 是我們的心輪可以共振的頻率。我們的心輪是第四脈輪和七個脈輪的中心,下面三個脈輪,上面三個脈輪。它是中心,是身體和精神相遇的地方。我們的心輪代表給予和接受愛和寬恕的能力。它是希望、信任、同情和靈感的中心。當我們的心輪打開時,我們可能會感到深深的連接,與周圍的一切和諧地交換能量,以及對美的欣賞。 639 Hz的Solfeggio頻率也被稱為奇蹟音。它有助於平衡情緒和提升情緒。它還促進溝通、愛、理解,並為人際關係帶來和諧。當您需要顯著提升愛和積極性時,將音樂設置為 639 Hz 是完美的 🌟
雙生火焰重逢 432Hz & 639Hz 雙魂顯化 |充滿活力的愛與吸引頻率 - YouTube