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963Hz + 639Hz + 396Hz Open Up to the Universe | Heart Chakra & Let Go | Healing Meditation Music
963Hz + 639Hz + 396Hz Open Up to the Universe | Heart Chakra & Let Go | Healing Meditation Music
Open up to the Universe and connect to its Energy. Open your Heart Chakra, heal your Heart by letting go of fear, anxiety, stress and worries! This specially composed meditation music combines the healing frequencies of 963Hz + 639Hz + 396Hz and will lovingly accompany you on your journey. If you enjoy my music and would like to support me, please subscribe to my channel 💖 and hit the 🔔 to turn on notifications and receive the latest Inner Lotus Music! Also called the “frequency of Gods”, the 963Hz Solfeggio frequency is said to awaken any system to its original, perfect state, as well as to assist in the process of Pineal Gland activation and Third Eye opening. Its tone helps us return to Oneness, to our very source. If you feel disconnected with the rest of the world, the 963 Hz frequency can help complete your awakening with the interconnectedness and Oneness of the Universe. Listening to the frequency of 963 Hz can also strengthen the sense of community and belonging, or restore it if necessary. 639 Hz is a frequency our Heart Chakra resonates with. Our Heart Chakra is the fourth Chakra and the center of the seven Chakras with three Chakras below and three Chakras above. It is the center, the area where physical and spiritual meet. Our Heart Chakra stands for the ability to give and receive Love and forgiveness. It is the center of hope, trust, compassion and inspiration. When our Heart Chakra is open, we may feel being deeply connected, the harmonious exchange of energy with all that is around us, and the appreciation of beauty. In the Solfeggio scale, the 396Hz frequency is known to help overcome fear, which usually presents the main obstacle when it comes to realising our dreams and goals. The 396 hz Solfeggio frequency also liberates from negative beliefs, convictions and thoughts, even on a subconscious level. It helps overcome sadness and grief in difficult moments of life and to find our way back to consolation, inner peace and profound joy ☀️ You can find more of my Solfeggio healing frequency music in this playlist: For this meditation music, all instruments have been specifically and carefully tuned to 963 Hz + 639 Hz + 396 Hz. These are frequencies, our heart chakra, pineal gland and third eye resonate with and can help overcome and let go of fear, anxiety, worries and stress. The meditation music in this video is an original 963Hz + 639Hz + 396Hz composition and has not been artificially tuned to 963 Hz + 639 Hz + 396 Hz afterwards. I am convinced that composing music in the original frequency will lead to better results when it comes to deploying the positive energy and benefits of the healing frequencies of 963Hz + 639Hz + 396Hz. Feel free to listen to this 963Hz + 639Hz + 396Hz Open Up to the Universe | Heart Chakra & Let Go | Healing Meditation Music with headphones or - if you prefer - just let it flow through open space. As long as it is positive for you, it will be positive for your body and soul. Love and gratitude 💖🙏🏼 Pierre Ynad Note: Do not listen to music emphasizing particular frequencies if you suffer from epilepsy! If you have any concerns or other health issues you are uncertain of, please check with your medical practitioner prior to listening. Please do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutic advice and/or treatment. Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad Copyright ⓒ 2020 Inner Lotus Music ™. All rights reserved. The reuse, event in parts, of any video, image and/or music from this channel is strictly prohibited ! We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use. This 963 Hz + 639 Hz + 396 Hz meditation music for Heart Chakra healing, pineal gland activation and third eye opening has been composed with Love in 963 Hz + 639 Hz + 396 Hz. These are frequencies, our Heart Chakra, pineal gland and third eye resonate with, and can also be used as 639 Hz Heart Chakra meditation music for Heart Chakra healing, 963 Hz Pineal Gland meditation music for Pineal Gland activation, 963 Hz Third Eye meditation music for Third Eye opening, 963 Hz Crown Chakra meditation music for 963 Hz Crown Chakra meditation, as general purpose meditation music, as sleep music and for all activities that benefit from 963 Hz + 639 Hz + 396 Hz healing frequencies meditation music. #innerlotusmusic #solfeggiohealingmusic #chakrahealingmusic chakrahealing heart chakra meditation, heart chakra healing, heart chakra frequency, heart chakra balancing & healing, pineal gland activation, third eye opening, 3rd eye, 963hz, 963 Hz + 639 Hz + 396 Hz, 963 hz crown chakra
963Hz + 639Hz + 396Hz Open Up to the Universe | Heart Chakra & Let Go | Healing Meditation Music
963Hz療癒音樂|治癒心靈、找回在內平安|睡眠音樂|冥想音樂 Solfeggio 頻率是以古代六個音階所組成,過去被用於神聖音樂之中,包括:眾所周知美妙的 「葛麗果聖歌」 (Gregorian Chants)。聖歌和他們特殊的聲調,被認為在和諧唱誦時傳授聖靈的祝福。每個Solfeggio 音調所組成的頻率,以便平衡你的能量,並保持你的身體、心靈和精神在完美和諧狀態。 六個主要的Solfeggio 頻率: UT - 396赫茲 - 轉悲為樂,釋放出內疚和恐懼 RE - 417赫茲 - 撤消情況和促進變革 MI - 528赫茲 - 轉化和奇蹟,DNA修復 FA - 639赫茲 - 關係,靈性家族連接 SOL - 741赫茲 - 表達/解決方案,清潔及解決 LA - 852赫茲 - 重返靈性秩序 後來延伸為九個頻率,包括: 174Hz基礎頻率、 285Hz量子認知、 963Hz -個人心靈的影響, 靈性連結~第七脈輪(頂輪) 按此收聽更多心靈音樂: ► - 冥想音樂 - ► - 放鬆舒壓音樂 - ► - 脈輪音樂 - ► - 寵物療癒音樂 - ► - 深度睡眠療癒 - ► - 528Hz DNA再生 - ► - 能力開發音樂 - ► - 雙腦同步 - ► - 瑜伽導師精選音樂 - ► - 音頻治療 - ► - 寶寶睡眠音樂 - ► - 吸引力法則音樂 - ► - 另類療癒聲音 - ► - Emptitation 特選心靈音樂 - ► ================================================ Emptitation是一個心靈音樂頻道,為你製作深度睡眠音樂、冥想音樂、瑜伽音樂、脈輪音樂、雙腦同步音樂。透過頻率提升你的睡眠質素、讓你放鬆身心,淨化心靈。調整你的腦波,提升你的直覺力、集中力、創造力、記憶力,表達能力和學習能力,開啟第三眼(松果體),連結更高意識。 宇宙萬物都是振頻。根據量子物理學和吸引力法則,調整你的頻率,能助你吸引戀愛、幸福、財富、成功、健康和一切美好事物。每天15-30分鐘頻率音樂,能改善你的振頻。睡眠時播放,使身體更放鬆,快速進入深度睡眠。瑜伽和冥想時作為背景音樂,讓你達致更好效果。 請按一下喜歡,並將我們的頻道分享。 請訂閱我們的頻道,再按一下🔔,讓我們為你送上最新的作品。📌📌 你亦可以捐助方式支持我們: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Emptitation #MeditationMusic #SleepMusic #RelaxingMusic #Solfeggio #HealingMusic
963 hz Meditation Music ♡ Activate 》Awaken 》Ascend & Return to Source Oneness 963 Hz冥想音樂旨在幫助激活,喚醒,提升到統一來源。 963 Hz頻率是喚醒我們更高意識的門戶,通過打開冠脈輪。 如果您發現它有用,請享受並分享。 愛(推薦耳機) ♡ 關於音軌 一切都是能量和振動。即使是頑固的唯物主義者也不得不承認這一點。963赫茲頻率是通往更高領域和維度的門戶,從而將我們非常有限的 3D 思維擴展到無限。音軌由963音組成,是音軌的基礎。我添加了一些帶有漸強和漸弱的美麗膨脹的人類合唱團來說明揚升過程。
松果體激活|神頻|頂輪 96​​3Hz 視唱練耳療愈冥想音樂 - YouTube
松果體激活|神頻|頂輪 96​​3Hz 視唱練耳療愈冥想音樂 - YouTube
Pineal Gland Activation | Frequency of Gods | Crown Chakra 963 Hz Solfeggio Healing Meditation Music 也被稱為神的頻率,963Hz的頻率是最強大和令人振奮的音調之一。這個頻率不僅與松果體激活有關。這也是與我們的頂脈輪相關的視唱練耳頻率。 也被稱為“眾神的頻率”,據說 963Hz 的視唱練耳頻率可以將任何系統喚醒到其原始、完美的狀態。它的語氣,也與我們的冠脈輪有關,幫助我們回歸合一,回到我們的源頭。如果你覺得與世界其他地方脫節,963Hz 的頻率可以幫助你完成與宇宙的相互聯繫和一體性的覺醒。聆聽 963Hz 的頻率也可以加強社區感和歸屬感,或者在必要時恢復。 視唱練耳頻率是 70 年代初重新發現的古老音階的一部分。它們是特殊音調頻率的音調序列。幾個世紀以來,最初在格里高利聖歌中使用,它們最近因其治愈能力而引起所有人的注意。該視頻中的音樂是用 Solfeggio 音階的第七個音調創作的:963Hz 的“Si”音調。 對於這種冥想音樂,所有樂器都經過專門和仔細地調至 963 Hz。因此,本視頻中的冥想音樂為963Hz原創作品,並沒有經過人工調至963Hz。我相信,在運用這種特殊的視唱練耳頻率的正能量和好處時,以原始頻率創作音樂會帶來更好的結果。 隨意聆聽眾神的松果體激活頻率 963 Hz Crown Chakra Solfeggio 冥想音樂,使用中等音量的耳機,或者 - 如果您願意 - 讓它在開放空間中流動。只要它對你是積極的,它就會對你的身體和靈魂都是積極的。
松果體激活|神頻|頂輪 96​​3Hz 視唱練耳療愈冥想音樂 - YouTube